Transporting Fish 8hrs


New member
Where can I purchase Heating packs??
Does anyone have any experience/suggestions for moving a tank 8-10 hrs by car???
Rubbermaid tub with a snap-on lid and a battery-powered airstone. Plenn-Plax makes them and Petco sells them. If you mean chemical heat packs, this time of year a big discount ski shop would be the best place, I think. They go around the transport containers, NOT in them, btw!
Here's how a friend did it that moved from So. California to Dallas (close to it) Texas.

Placed coral in cups so that they didn't move around, doubble stacked and filled up the cooler with water.

Add a heater and air stone connected to an inverter for power, and connect that to your truck battery.

Same thing for fish.


All photos courtesy of Brent H. (lozerkidz)

Coolers work great for stable temps, and with the lid locked down, they are pretty water tight.
Excellent suggestions: I did this with a hand-squeezed bulb and air tubing jury-rigged for six 2-gallon tanks (big mated angelfish, a piranha, scats, and uncounted guppies) for 3 days cramped into the back seat of a Buick, stopping at night with an actual air pump, and on the road at dawn---it was weeks before my fingers recovered. Everything survived, though. Battery powered pump! What a wonderful invention!