Treating with Vitamin C

Puffer, I have been doseing VC now sence you recomended trying it after my PD's were a loss. I am at 1tsp 2xday now. I am noticing my water is turning very cloudy, did you ever experience this porblem? I am treating both my 90gal and 30 gal (less dose for 30) but the problem only seems to be with the 90. I have been monitoring all test and nothing seems to be off. I am thinking about hooking up the canaster filter for a few days with some carbon in it, will it be fine to run carbon along with the VC?
I can say from the 2 weeks I have been doseing I can tell a difference in just 2 corals, my frogspawn, which was pale, has now turned more green in the tips, and my bam-bam zoas are GLOWING orange. I can stand on the other side of the room and see the color pop. The same goes for the other half of my bam-bam colony in the 30gal, as they have inproved in color aswell.I haven't noticed any difference in the rest of my corals yet. I will be following along with this thread for now on.
After following the other thread and this one - as well as a couple others on other types of carbon dosing - the most common thing I've seen about the tank turning cloudy is overdosing the carbon source. In this case it's the VC. The cloudiness is an overbloom of bacteria, and if it's bad enough it can consume most if not all the available oxygen in the tank in a very short time. :eek2: Depending on how severe it is, you can kill most anything in your tank just from that. Puffer can correct it if I'm wrong, but I'd recommend cutting back your dose in that tank from 25-50%. That's just as a rule of thumb - the critical thing is to back off enough that you aren't clouding up (or at least that it's minimal). If you want the higher dose, you can gradually build it back up over time.
I agree, back off the dosing by 50% until the tank clears. I always filter with Purigen (similar to carbon) on all my tanks.
Thank you both, I droped back 50% on the VC for now. i also did a 25% water change today and started running some kent marine reef carbon thru the canister filter. Water has started to clear up some compared to yesterday. Later tonight I will run another set of test to check all parameters in the tank to make sure everything is still where it needs to be.
What's been the experience with Zoas still randomly melting even after VC dosing? Overall I'm very happy with my VC dosing, which I've been doing since December (1/8th tsp x 2) for my 39g tank however I have lost one or two colonies since then. Of course its always the ones I really like. On the flip side, I've had some remarkable recoveries. Overall VC is a plus for my tank but I haven't seen too much conversation here on folks still seeing the random melt down for no apparent reason. My Poseidon Fury (think that's what these are) completely melted over the last two weeks. I tried upping my dosage to 1/4tsp x 2 but saw no better results. At least I have a pic to remember them by.

i was using VC like 2 months ago 1 tsp 2Xday on a 100g and week in to it had rare zoas dying all over still to today there still not recoved change 15 gal water a week would not do it ever again lost$$$ in zoas
I have been dosing 2 tsp, 2x/day for over 18 months now. I still feel it is the absolute best thing I've ever done for all my reef tanks. I do still lose a few zoas here & there but usually it's only zoas after I've tried to fragging them. Palys have always come back from fragging & I haven't lost a single one since dosing. I've even gotten an entire colony back of orange zoas where there was previously nothing left visible on the rock. Before dosing, almost all new frags IU purchased medlted away. I now feel totally confident investing on high-end purchases again without any worries.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14872574#post14872574 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blammomike
i was using VC like 2 months ago 1 tsp 2Xday on a 100g and week in to it had rare zoas dying all over still to today there still not recoved change 15 gal water a week would not do it ever again lost$$$ in zoas
There is a small percentage of people that dont see any positive results from VC because of another problem in the aquarium and another small percentage of people that start it too late when recovery by any means is impossible. Sorry to hear that you lost so many zoas. Did you figure out what caused the deaths?
when i started using vc there was nothing wrong then stuff started to close on me then slowly melt or turn black ill try to get some pics some stuff still looks bad but open with no color at all but there tryin to come back
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14879736#post14879736 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by blammomike
when i started using vc there was nothing wrong then stuff started to close on me then slowly melt or turn black ill try to get some pics some stuff still looks bad but open with no color at all but there tryin to come back
Myself & hundreds of many other folks have such great sucess with it & every once in a while I'll hear something like this. I just don't get when that happens!
Are you absolutely sure you followed the directions exactly?
Are you running a skimmer?
What are all your parameteters? Did you change anything else at all other than adding VC?
What brand, how much were you dosing how often for how long?
I'd really like tohelp you figure this out. Usually between Jeff, myself & a few others, we have deduced it was not the VC, if dosed correctly, that caused this problem or smililar ones.
I think some of VC dosing may be a placebo effect. There's still no real scientific evidence it does anything.

I've been dosing vitC for a while now and some zoas do excellently, some don't. I had two SPS die and also lost a frag of nuclear greens.

My eagle eyes are doing not so hot, but they tend to come and go in waves.
It doesnt work miracles, wont take the place of good reefkeeping and like anything else it has different effects on different reef aquariums. There is a reason more upscale aquarium supply companies are coming out with vitamin c products or additives that contain larger amounts of vitamin c. I'm a huge skeptic myself but I'll give you the same answer I gave a page back:

There isnt a lot of "proof" really since a scientist hasnt done specific lab testing with Puffy's system. If the dozens of people with improved corals and fish arent proof or people like me that have stopped and started dosing and run VC along with other carbon sources isnt good enough then I dont suggest trying it. If you have not read the entire thread including all of the splits and looked at the before/after pictures and read the many people that are successful and happy with this cheap additive then its not for you as well. There are many people that dont have nutrient or algae problems dosing that have still had great results which indicates to me that it does way more then act as a carbon source.
I am no scientist, far from it and I am a sceptic also. I read reviews of everyting before buying and get first hand opinions whenever possible but this stuff works. We just dont have all of the scientific reasons yet. Every single person in this thread and for years before this thread that was willing to take a chance on others opinions rolled the dice and spent $12.00 on a bottle of this stuff. The vast majority have been thrilled. None of us had any scientific proof of its worth before trying it.
Wow what a long thread still reading over it. I have a small frag of AOG that looks pretty beat up, closed and shrinking.

My tank is a 50g, I will be starting out with 1/8 of a tsp and thinking about upping it to 1/4 tsp which will get me close to 5ppm and it seems I need quite some to reach 30ppm, like a full tsp???
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14897090#post14897090 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Don-Coraleone
when you say 2 times a day do you mean everyday? because i just started dosing myself.
Yes, if you follow Puffy's information you will dose the same amount 2 times a day.