Tridacnid farming. Possible at home?


New member
So, I've read all kinds of stuff on farming tridacnids and it seems pretty easy. All of the documentation I can find start off with clam "seeds."

What I can't figure out... is how you get the seeds in the first place (besides ordering them).

I mean... I get the part about adult--> egg-->free-swimming trochophore-->pediveliger-->metamorphosis and settlement-->juvenile clam.

But... at home.. can my clams do this... and how do I encourage it?

Assume I have unlimited resources (which I don't, but can dream).

I have heard that clam farmers actually puree a clam to feed to the "babies" to introduce the zooxanthellae (sp?).
That's not as simple as it may seem (if it was then there would already be a number of people doing it).

Interesting thread.


I just need to get myself an island and an ocean and I'll be set!
