I can't stand when I tell someone that Triggers and Lionfish are bad tank mates, and they say " I have a clown trig in with mine, and they do great together" or " I have a Humu Humu Trigger with my lionfish, no probs" Two LFS's currently have a Clown trigger with a Volitans... I told them both what will happen, and they completely blew me off.:mad2:
But no problem with the lions. I have one small lion and one larger lion. The trigger is the size of the smaller lion and they dont bother each other one bit.
I have an Antennata lionfish and introduced a pair of Bluejaw triggerfish (~ 3.5" each) about 1.5 months later. The triggers pay no mind to my lion, which is only ~2.5" right now. Then again, Bluejaws/throats aren't as aggressive like most triggers.