Trigger and Lionfish-bad, bad tankmates

so my future plans of a niger and a lion in a 90 should be fine as long as i rehome the humu humu before getting the lion
I've got a Picasso with my Volitains and Fu Manchu Lionfish and the Picasso is a major nipper!
I'm upgrading to a 210 and am seriously considering getting rid of the Picasso.
Years ago, I had a full grown lion - he was about 13" nose to tail. I'd had him since he was about 6"' and it took him 2-3 years to get that big. His tank mates for years were 3 yellow tangs and 3 domino damsels, all kept in a 90. One day he just decided to have lunch on the damsels and not long after that the tangs. Long story short is your mileage might vary with whatever you put in the tank with them.
Is this a normal behaviour of triggers with lionfish?, or this is a particulary bad case?. What would happen if you keep one lionfish + one clown trigger?.
Is this a normal behaviour of triggers with lionfish?, or this is a particulary bad case?. What would happen if you keep one lionfish + one clown trigger?.

Unfortunately, this is a very common occurence with the combination of triggerfish with lions. What makes this one so unique is the video of it.
Unfortunately, this is a very common occurence with the combination of triggerfish with lions. What makes this one so unique is the video of it.

Curious if this holds true with all genus of triggerfish. I have read that others have had success keeping, for example, xanthichthys triggers, like saragassum, blue throat, or crosshatch triggers with lions without issue. Any thoughts on this?
Curious if this holds true with all genus of triggerfish. I have read that others have had success keeping, for example, xanthichthys triggers, like saragassum, blue throat, or crosshatch triggers with lions without issue. Any thoughts on this?

Those triggers are much less likely to do it (I'm sure that's been mentioned somewhere in these 4 pages).
I have been very lucky with my tanks, I have always had a Volitan with triggers. Currently I have a Niger and Clown (juvenile) housed with a juvenile Red Coriss Wrasse, Snowflake eel and 6" Lion. Everyone is peaceful *knock on wood*, the clown is even the baby of the tank. A little sweetheart he is.
I have been very lucky with my tanks, I have always had a Volitan with triggers. Currently I have a Niger and Clown (juvenile) housed with a juvenile Red Coriss Wrasse, Snowflake eel and 6" Lion. Everyone is peaceful *knock on wood*, the clown is even the baby of the tank. A little sweetheart he is.

Yea clowns always start out nice, once they get big though they can very easily be a ticking time bomb. I have seen and herd "IDK what happened, I just woke up and he was the only fish left alive" more than once.
I keep cross hatch triggers (pair). This is my second set. They are so peaceful. I am not into lion fish but I keep a threadfin snapper, stingrays and an epaulette in there. Never any nipping or aggression at all. They do not even eat shrimps. My only concern with keeping a cross hatch with a lion is an accidental sting to the cross hatch would be an expensive lesson.
I keep cross hatch triggers (pair). This is my second set. They are so peaceful. I am not into lion fish but I keep a threadfin snapper, stingrays and an epaulette in there. Never any nipping or aggression at all. They do not even eat shrimps. My only concern with keeping a cross hatch with a lion is an accidental sting to the cross hatch would be an expensive lesson.

Planktonic-feeding triggers such as the cross-hatch are generally fine with lions. Genera Xanthichthys, Melicthys, and Odonus should all be OK with lionfish.
Lionfish are very peaceful. I tell people that lionfish classify things into three categories:

1) Things that move that fit in their mouth are food.
2) Things that move that do not fit in their mouth are irrelevant.
3) Things that do not move are for perching on while waiting for food to swim by.

As long as it isn't food, the worst that they will do to something is sit on it (which includes corals that wish they would find somewhere else to sit).
I recently did this mixture without reading this thread. I bought a Red Tailed Trigger and a two different types of Lionfish. I purchased a Russell's Lionfish along with a Black Volitan. Both overly stressed due to the Trigger's constant nipping and both finally gave in.