True or False, did this REALLY and TRULY happen ?????

Was definitely a fun thread, but one thing to realize over and over again is the things we think are crazy this day may become a reality in the not so distant future.

At one point in time, the earth was flat, flying was crazy talk, walking on the moon was unbelievable, cloning was science fiction, and breaking down a DNA strand to figure out which each and every part was unfathomable.

Hell... lets not forget that Pluto was a planet! (that actually is one of the biggest things to me lol... how the hell can it go by as a planet for so long but not be one... damn scientists)

Science and technology keep growing, and open minds are the ones that can push it further. Stating it's impossible just because of what we currently know and blowing it off completely leads to stagnant progress and no new discoveries, and one of the main reasons why I love reading about new theories and stuff like that.

I will say one of the reasons I thought it could be plausible is just because I found nothing stating it couldn't be. I do know that HGH is specifically targetted for humans, but considering every living creature is basically made up of the same principals and elements, who was to say that by some strange coincidence it couldn't activate massive cell reproduction like an embryo goes through. DNA is what makes up the cells design, and just because a section may go 'dormant' after time, maybe it's possible to kick that back into gear.

Anyways, as I said, was fun to go through it, now where's my frag donations for my measly 29g for being a player in this! :lol: j/k

Not sure if everyone saw it, but so much good came of this thread. I really wanted to stretch it out till Wednesday, but I just didn't like the way it was going.

I just hope each of you log on daily and stay just as engaged with the topics in the zoanthid forum as you did this one.

Mucho Reef
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Lol. That was a fun read through. I completely missed all the discussion, I just now read through it all. I enjoyed it. I am glad you posted this to get people engaged. I don't check the zoa forums here or elsewhere much anymore, because most of the time it is just people asking for id's. There is little real new discussion or information posted.

Thanks for the fun. It was a crazy read, but in a good way!
Umm, I guess I missed something. What was the additive that everyone has in their medicine cabinet?
I laughed a little when I started to read this thread. Thanks, Mucho. I immediately dismissed the first post as BS, BUT the engineer in me kept making me think... what hormone actually triggers a polyp to bud/fission? (It's been years since I had biochemistry, so please forgive me if it's not actually a 'hormone').

At some point during the growth process, the polyp reaches a point where it decides it's time to reproduce. This is obviously happens through some biochemical trigger. If one could isolate this "hormone" and synthesize it, I don't think it implausible that exposing a polyp to heightened levels of this chemical could trigger it to bud.

There would be several other factors to consider as well in this accelerated propagation process. The general health and nourishment level of the "mother" polyp would clearly be a limiting factor on it being able to successfully create a new polyp.
Why would you say I'm stringing anyone along? I never once said it was true or untrue. I'm simple stating a sequence of events and would like to hear everyone's opinion. If it's no true than it's not true. If it's real, then it is. The question was answered truthfully on page one by someone already.

Think, what on earth could cause that kind of growth that some scientist or biologist somewhere hasn't already theorize and tested. How on earth could what started as a frag, reproduce 8.3 polyps per day? That's is utterly bizarre. This thread was not created and some hoax, it was presented to do exactly what it did, spark discussion and conversation.

If it is true, than great.

I totally and 100 % regret ever posting it now. You try to do something different to add some diversity away from the norm here and you get attacked, accused, labeled.


that will teach me for scanning topics :lolspin:

its a good idea i must admit

those showing hate to you are pathetic - if i came accross that way then i wrote it wrong and thats my fault - non was meant :wave:
RC is far from a small reefing forum... RC is one of the largest forums on the internet (#88 according to and there are quite a few of extremely well known aquarists and experts that post here

yeah its big

but if i put a post on here asking for help i really doubt i will get more than 5 replies back most of the time

its too fragmented
Lol. That was a fun read through. I completely missed all the discussion, I just now read through it all. I enjoyed it. I am glad you posted this to get people engaged. I don't check the zoa forums here or elsewhere much anymore, because most of the time it is just people asking for id's. There is little real new discussion or information posted.

Thanks for the fun. It was a crazy read, but in a good way!

Phil, you're one of the reasons I posted this thread. It aroused something in you to read it and then come back. It wasn't a bait and switch, I baited the waters to attract you, and you showed up. Whatever your level of knowledge and experience in this hobby really doesn't matter. I've been a reefer for a very long time and I still learn things right here in this forum.

I am personally inviting you and everyone who came to read this thread to come back again and again. It can only improve with your help and input. That's the reason I did this.

Mucho Reef
yeah its big

but if i put a post on here asking for help i really doubt i will get more than 5 replies back most of the time

its too fragmented

Hello frag, I respectfully disagree and I'll tell you why. Let me explain what has happened here. A lot of reefers who have been around a very long time and gave a lot to this forum, well, they left last year along with myself. Many were just tired of seeing the same 4 topics every single day, day in and day out. I was accused of being mean or angry for not wanting to talk about them. I was neither. It's my opinion and my opinion alone, but those 4 topics aren't going to do one single thing to help maintain the overall health and welfare of a single polyp. But many reefers enjoy those topics and I respect that. This forum is for everyone with vast interest as it relates to zoas and palys.

This forum has come a very long way from the days of constant fighting and flaming to what it is today. Again, many left because they were tired and wanted more. So, do I leave for good, or do I try like crazy to spark some new interest, and that's another reason I did this.

Regarding possibly only getting 5 replies, there is a clear reason for that. A lot of people are so afraid to post and are just comfortable lurking and reading. This thread drew some of them out, did you notice that? Also, when many of us see that the post has an adequate answer, they most likely won't add anything else to the thread. I do it all the time. I will even bump a thread knowing the answer to give someone else a chance to answer to get others involved.

The people here are great, if you post it, they will answer. If the answer isn't enough or you want more, then engage the topic with follow up questions. You see, that's what I did in this thread. I didn't just post and leave it. I came back time and time again to engage each reply and kept them coming back. No, it was no trick to make anyone look bad or silly. It was to generate feedback and to get people to think about something different an even think outside the box. It did just that.

I'm asking you to post your questions when you're ready, and do exactly what I did. I wanted to allow this thread to continue until Wednesday. At the rate it was progressing, there would have been over 3,000 views and over 300 replies in just 4 days. At one point I saw 80 reefers in the zoanthid forum. I haven't seen 80 people logged in here at one time in ages. Regardless of why they came to see and read it...they did. And that is another reason I did this. Does any of this make sense at all or was I the fool for doing it?

Mucho Reef

Come back my friend and share with us anytime, OK?
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man, mucho comes back for a in depth topic and i didnt bother to even check the zoanthid section... Mucho you need to let me know next time so i can chime in :lol: been awhile since i have been able to actually post on something in this section that was worth while.
Pretty interesting to think that this could happen one day as a tool to help reefs.

Though the number of polyps per day seemed very high, what if it was possible to cut the days for a new polyp down by a half or even a third and keep repeating the process?

Instead of it taking years or decades to colonize an area it could take months to years.

I don't think it is scifi just something that others have not tried yet.
1 of the tricks to getting faster growth to a colony (which I don't do and wouldn't ) is making slices/cuts in the zoanthid mat. I've read this somewhere and see some say it does help produce more. Can I verify it for my self, no as I don't use that technique. I believe in steady parameters, good/strong lighting, good/strong indirect flow, no predators , no fragging and let them be... which should yield you good growth.... and NO snake oil, additives etc etc. I have seen other peoples tanks that have kept to that motto and yielded awesome results without need to dose other things for years and years even before all these additives and potions/concoctions have been created.
1 of the tricks to getting faster growth to a colony (which I don't do and wouldn't ) is making slices/cuts in the zoanthid mat. I've read this somewhere and see some say it does help produce more. Can I verify it for my self, no as I don't use that technique. I believe in steady parameters, good/strong lighting, good/strong indirect flow, no predators , no fragging and let them be... which should yield you good growth.... and NO snake oil, additives etc etc. I have seen other peoples tanks that have kept to that motto and yielded awesome results without need to dose other things for years and years even before all these additives and potions/concoctions have been created.

Not to sidetrack, but I had a local reefer tell me the same thing with making cuts like a pizza on the foot of a zoa. According to him, this would accelerate growth. I am not going to try it but he has done it many times with success.
yes I've heard and read this from multiple sources. but don't know the risk of healing & gaining polyps vs. stressing/melting.
I think it is Asprin.... I know that any time I want to reproduce she always seems to have a headache, so maybe that fixed things.