Trying to decide between skimmers...


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member

It'll be roughly 250 gal, light bio load with decent fuge. Looking at the Bubble Magus Curve 7 vs the Reef Octopus 200. Similar price, size isn't too much of an issue, hopefully someone who knows skimmers can chime in.

It'll be a 320 gal Rubbermaid Stock Tank (only about 250 gal capacity where I want it), about 2" of sand, a healthy stand of live rock dead center, frag racks either side, 1 nice mangrove growing on the rocks, 40gal breeder for a sump. The sump will have a 6" deep sandbed, with crushed coral on top for about an inch to help the pod population, with chaeto above that, dragon's tongue algae in the other compartment.

Lighting will be 2x Reef Radiances, with a spiral bulb higher up for the mangrove and a spiral for the fuge.

Any suggestions based on the above are appreciated.

This has been a long time in the making, would like to do it right.

Lastly, does anyone have any experience plumbing the rubbermaid stock tanks? I have 2 really large bulkhead fittings for the overflow, and the drill bit to go with it. I'm about 2-3 weeks away from ordering everything.
Gee thanks, I know I'm going to have to sell my boat to fund this project, but I didn't want ALL of the proceeds to go to the skimmer!
Chris- I cant disagree that BK skimmers are awesome, but they are definitely not in everybody's price range.

That being said PS's IMHO are extremely important for successful reef-keeping. Do not skimp, or underrate the skimmer. Do less with the DSB, fuge etc... BUT dont underate the skimmer.

I am also of the opinion the BM is similar to Jeabos. Like DEGEN says, they are like a Bic use it and toss it way. Reef Octopus makes very good skimmers, but again dont underrate. I use a octopus knock off, that is no longer made, an MSX 200. Ive been using for 8 years on my 120, now my 200. It skims the crap out of my tank (no pun intended).

Another concern i see is you sump size. 40 gal breeders make excellent sumps ( i had one on my 120G), but you are talking a lot of volume there.

BTW- dont forget uniseals. They work great for times when bulkhead is not necessary.
I have a Reef Octopus SRO-2000Int. Used for about a month. Just got another skimmer that I'm going to use instead. It retails for $415. I'll let it go for $350.
mainly because the skimmer will be in the main rubbermaid frag system for a bit of time, before I go to an external sump, the Reef Octopus 200 is going to be the ticket, also due to price. The 40 breeder will come after the first frag swap has made some money.
So no one has any real opinions about these 2 skimmers? Aquaman is hinting that the Reef Octopus would be the better choice...

I pretty much asked what would be better, a Chevy or Ford, and was told to get a Lambo or Ferrari! LOL, just wondering which of the 2 would work better. I'm kindof settled onto the Reef Octo, but still wouldn't mind some input.
Thanks for the input. I did alot of searching online, and the Reef Octopus is going to be my choice as well. I spoke with Bobby at Exotic on Oakland, he gave me a price without my saying what I found it for, it's the same price. There's something to be said for dealing with an LFS with a good reputation, if something goes wrong they help. I've always liked that store, now I'm really starting to like it.
You should get an Octopus 200 Body and use a Tunze Hydrofoamer pump. Asides from being appropriately matched to the body, we all know the heart and soul of the skimmer is the pump :) and you can get replacement parts from Tunze for practically a lifetime.
Chris, I like BK skimmers, but IMO there are many great skimmers in the market today that will give you similar results as a BK for a fraction of the cost, the main difference will be how fast they give you the same result.
The important thing that many people don’t consider when choosing a skimmer is what amount of flow are you going to have running through your sump? this is particularly important to the efficiency of your investment, if you are going to run a low flow say 500 to 800gal/hr then most skimmers will do the job, in fact adding a high flow BK skimmer or similar will be a waste of money, now if you are turning 3000+gal/hr in your sump then you could use a skimmer that can process large qty’s of water and obviously it will be more efficient.