Tune 9004 love it- operation question


New member
I am getting salt creep in my air tube right before impeller that I am needing to clear weekly.

I suspect my set up is issue, but wanted to most to see if there were any operation/ maintenance suggestions.

I am wondering if my silencer had slack to hang straight down would it be better? If so does that mean I should get a little longer hose.


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Try raising the skimmer, at most half of the front intake grate under the cup should be submerged. A longer hose might help, but if it is too long the air flow will suffer, you could safely add a few inches though.
Try raising the skimmer, at most half of the front intake grate under the cup should be submerged. A longer hose might help, but if it is too long the air flow will suffer, you could safely add a few inches though.

Thanks will do-

is the hose special or does any air line tubing work? Seems softer then the regular air line tubing I have.

The 9004 really pulls the gunk out - so really happy with it.
It's silicone tubing. It can be had at the LFS but it's usually blue. Use the little bit of Velcro that came with it to attach the muffler to the back of the tank. I detach the muffler occasionally and allow the intake tube to draw in some water to clear out any build up.

@Roger if one wanted to lengthen the tubing to prevent build up or to draw in fresh air from a remote location would the use of an air pump work to boost flow?
The tubing is silicon, you can use PVC but it tends to get hard in time so we use silicon. We do sell the stock tubing in a 5 meter roll.

You could use an air pump, but the pump only needs 150 l/hr to avoid pressurizing it, I would use a T or Y and leave one end open to air, the other to the pump is just a "booster" and I would use a small air pump rated at 150 l/hr.
It's silicon, my bad. I will dial back a Luft to get some fresh air to the 9004 then, thanks for the advice. Everything is closed up tight here in WI and CO2 is on the rise.
good tips - thanks

I am going to get a silicone tube 1-2 inches longer and velcro silencer down.

Will also allow it to draw some water occasionally to flush