TUNZE® DOC Skimmer 9410 Micro Bubbles


New member
Having a real hard time dialing this in. Either the foam is to wet or the water gushes out of the over flow tube which by passes the post filter and sonetimes gets drawn in the air tube which of course collapses the foam.
Tried different settings with the air clamp also.

It is in 7 inches of water. I have moved the ring down which seems to lower the water level but it makes the post filter useless.

Any thoughts?


This is very important, did you wash the filter bag with hot water really well before the first use? If not it will not be possible to adjust it properly for a couple days. The bag is made with a synthetic floss and the phenols used to manufacturer it will cause the skimmer to foam over like crazy. It won't harm the tank, but the skimmer will react to the phenols this way.

The best thing to do is leave it running, lower the adapter ring to even with the height of the pipe and close off the airflow just a little. In general the airflow will have to be closed a little, this skimmer can actually use the 9015 cup or 9020 foam extractor, it has a lot of extra capacity. Empty the cup frequently and just let it run in.
I was very careful and washed it well under hot water.

I have it well down on the pipe so you suggest just having it flush with the pipe and let it run I will give it a shot.

The cup looked like the one on the 9015 I had glad to hear it will accept a larger cup it will definitely be needed do you stock them?

So far Tunze Skimmers I have owned 9002, 9005, 9010,9020 and a 9440 which I will miss dearly I wish it would have fit in the new sump:(

Thanks Roger
Yes, we stock them, the optimum is the 9020 foam extractor if you still have the 9020 you could take it from, it is just about 3/4" shorter so it still can skim a bit wet and works great on the 9410 with full air flow. Keep me posted, I think it just needs to run in for a few days, I really think the 9410 is one of our best skimmers. I will be out tomorrow, I am speaking at a Dallas reef club meeting so I likely won't be able to get back to you until thursday if you need something.