Tunze 6045 impeller fit ?

For a test or temporary fix you could use it but it is smaller and will reduce the flow and will click more than the correct 6055.700.
That is what I was trying to fix is the click clack from my 6055's. I If I run them in resonate mode( Apex Controller) I get a click noise from them. Would ordering new impellers fix the Noise?


It depends on the age of the pump on a pump that was made less than 2 years ago you only need the 6055.700, if it was made more than 2 years ago you need to remove the stainless steel washer and add disk 6025.740 as well.
Yes, but not on the oldest ones. They started stamping date codes 08/07 and two systems have been used, week/year and month/year. month/year is the newer system. It will be four digits stamped on the side of the motor housing under the front cover and on the side of the polygonal casing. Anything made before mid 2007 won't have a date code.