tunze 6055 clicks on startup


I have two tunze 6055 for my 75 gallon reef.

One is dead silent on startup and stops.

The other, which was purchased from marine depot with in the last 3 months, clicks on start up.

I have tried cleaning and reseating the prop.

My other 6055 is an older one I have purchased a new prop.

Any ideas to quiet the newer 6055?

I don't think it would be the prop. A local customer had this issue and the disk was a bit too thin and needed to be replaced. PM me your info and I will send a new disk.
I bought a pair of props and discs for the old unit. Used the new prop and it fixed the older unit noise issue along with the silicone bumps.

Will try a disc in the newer unit.

Hey roger im having the same problem..bought my 2 6055 from a lfs 4 months ago and one clicks and the other doesnt...i cleaned both and it still clicks. any other way to stop the clicking?
It is the disk, the disk is essentially a shim that spaces the magnet properly in the electromagnetic field, if it is too thin the drive magnet slaps down on the base of the pump when the coil energizes. I can send a new one, PM me your address.
It is the disk, the disk is essentially a shim that spaces the magnet properly in the electromagnetic field, if it is too thin the drive magnet slaps down on the base of the pump when the coil energizes. I can send a new one, PM me your address.

Hi Im having exactly the same things happening on my 6055, I use it along with the 7095 controller I get the clicking on ( interval1 & sequential ) could you possibly send me one and i'll cover the postage etc or can you tell me where I can source one from in the u.k

Kind Regards.
I have the same problem, i just but a small nylon washer on top of the disc, noise gone, could that hurt anything?
The best would be to get a 6025.740 disk, I don't know if the washer will do any harm as I have not seen it, raw white nylon wears quickly in these pumps from sand and being abraded.
i got the new disc today with a new impaler, still the same problem. i went back and but the washer. i spent 40 $ to fix it but still the same. the new disc looks a little bit thicker but same results......
The shaft does not pull out, correct? If you pulled out the shaft to install the disks, the pump is basically destroyed. In some case it can be repaired by pressing the shaft back in. I would contact Xenia for service, it should be covered under warranty as long as you did not pull out the shaft.
The 6125 will always click on start up, unlike the 6055 it is not an electronic pump and is not intended for use on any sort of wavemaker, it should be run continuously and while it may be cycled on and off with a timer this should be done as little as possible, with a maximum of once every 15 minutes. Electronic pumps start the correct way by electronic controls, a 6125 or other non electronic stream uses a mechanical system to spin the right way and this results in chatter and clicking on start up.
The mechanism is different, I am sorry but the 6125, 6085, 6065, 6015, 6025 and 6045 will always click on start up. The 6060 used a clutch mechanism that made less noise but was more complicated and prone to issues, the new system makes noise but is simple and less prone to failure.