tunze 6055 clicks on startup

Hey Roger, I may have screwed up. My 6105 has gone dead-silent with the last vinegar bath months back (woohoo! How many other brands create products that keep getting better with time!) but I think I screwed up because my 6205 is now clicking half the time it cuts on.

I noticed in the spare parts pictures on tunze.com, that 3005.740 includes a black and a blue bushing. I only see a black bushing below the impeller on the shaft. Is there supposed to be another bushing? (Did I screw up?)

Thanks yet again!
3005.740 is for the E-Jet Powerheads and not the streams. The 6205 normally would click when cycling off and on, we have a new disk set very similar to 3005.740 for this pump to fix this issue but I have run out. PM me your shipping info and I will send one ASAP, this is a new fix from about 2 weeks ago.
Hi Roger,

Is this thread still alive? My 6105 just recently clicks and it's very annoying. This is the version with the shaft stays inside. Who to contact for Malaysia? Help needed!

My other 6095 is still dead silence (i hope it will remain that way..).
If it was quiet until now, my best guess is that the disk is compressed, sometimes just removing it and reinstalling it can solve this. This is part 3005.740. I also sometimes see the black plastic part of the disk get cemented to the drive unit by calcium and then rub through the silicon rubber disk. In this case it needs a new disk. I would contact the dealer you purchased it from. I believe we don't have a repair center in Malaysia, they will likely ship it back to Germany for repair.