Tunze 6085 reversing


New member
We have 4 Tunze 6085 wave makers and have been fighting the pumps reversing every time there is a power fluctuation. This has been going on for about the last 6 months. I have just found this forum and am hoping that I can get some help with figuring out what's wrong and how to fix them, since they are only about 2 years old.

Please let me know what information you need and I will be happy to provide it.

thanks :)
I guess the first step in solving this would be knowing the pump drive unit type. Up to 2012 the shafts were removable, they had a blue rubber bushing on each end and the shaft reached to the front propeller housing. Starting in 2012 the shaft was fixed on one side, it is not removable and stops at the top of the hole the impeller sits in. Non controllable models like the 6065 and 6085 persisted in the older design until late 2012, even early 2013.

In general this is caused by calcium build up on the shaft or a broken tip on the propellers, but it can vary slightly between the two designs. I would always start with making sure the propellers are undamaged, the ends hit stop tabs in the front cover to correct direction, if the ends are broke off, they can clear these tabs. If the shaft is fouled with calcium deposits, the propeller and magnet cannot freely slide back and forth to hit the tabs and correct direction, so this is also high on the list of things to check. If it is the old design, remove the shaft from the magnet and soak everything in 50/50 vinegar and water, the new design the shaft is part of the motor and the motor and drive unit need to be soaked.
I have the 6085 units. I've taken them completely apart and cleaned them. The ones I have do have the blue bushings, and can remove the shaft. Taking everything apart I didn't see any calcium buildup. It's a FOWLR tank. So by process of elimination it sounds like the propellers might be broken.

I will look for a picture of a tunze propeller and compare to see if the propellers are broken.

Thank you.
If you have stripped them down so the propeller/magnet is off the shaft and the shaft is clean as is the hole in the magnet, and they were reassembled so the disk is at the bottom under the magnet (part 6065.792), then the likely issue is a damaged propeller the tips should come to a point, if they are flat or widely rounded, that is the problem.