Tunze 9002 pump isn't working (800.04)


New member
I noticed my Tunze 9002 wasn't producing any skimmate. It turns out the the pump, which says 800.04 on it won't turn on. I removed the impeller and cleaned it, but still no go. Even just trying the pump alone disconnected from the skimmer in some fresh water, the impeller did not move, and produced no flow. How do I go about replacing the pump? It seems the pump isn't being produced anymore in lieu of another model.

The pump is no longer sold but we still stock them as replacement pumps since the older 9002 cannot use the new pump. If it is more than 2 years old, order the 0800.040 on the website, we will send you the correct pump. If it is less than 2 years old send the pump in for warranty replacement.
Hi Roger,

I just find out I have the same issue, i have not notice it much as I have a bigger Tunze. This is only use in hospital tank. I order this from PA beginning of 2008, in March or April 2008. How should I proceed to order a replacement?

Send in the pump to-

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Include a note in the box with your return address and phone number.

Bringing up an old one here. We spoke on the phone, but I forgot to ask; does the pump warranty stand for units that are bought second hand? I have no idea when my 9002 was purchased. Before I get a second pump, I thought I should check.

Also, I think you said there may be a way to get the 800.04 working again?

The 0800.040 was used on 9002 skimmers made between 2006 and late 2008, it would be unusual for one to still have a warranty.