Tunze 9002 Replacement Pump... Argh!


New member
I bought what I thought was a replacement pump for my 9002. This is what Aquarium Speciality.com listed it as anyways. Turns out it is the "new" pump, the 1073.008, which is incompatible with my "old" 9002, which needs the 0800.040.

Why didn't Tunze change the model number of the 9002 to reflect the new design with incompatible parts? Continuing the same model number with the use of incompatible parts only invites confusion. I bought a replacement pump listed for the 9002. It shouldn't be more complicated than that.

Why is Tunze discontinuing support on the original 9002 by ceasing to manufacture the original pump so quickly after ceasing production? I bought this nano skimmer because I thought Tunze was a reputable company that produced quality products and would stand by them for many years into the future. It's only been less than 2 years since it was purchased. I do not consider this adequate product support. Even if I can get one more pump, what will I do in two more years?

I'm now out some money (shipping fees both ways + 10% restocking fee), and am frustrated from having had a skimmerless tank for two weeks and counting. Now I can spend $50 to keep a discontinued product on life support for about another two years, or spend around $65 on a new skimmer housing PLUS the $40 I've already spent to fix a $150 skimmer that's not even two years old. Neither seems particularly appealing...
We are still being supplied with the earlier version 240 volt models as spares so I would expect the earlier version 110 v will also be available.

I will ask Tunze the question regards the model number as it will cause some confusion.

The pump you need is still readily available, Premium Aquatics stocks it and I have them in stock here. It will be discontinued someday, but so will just about everything, the good news is you can easily get a couple more years and by that time I would suspect a much improved new model will be available. This pump change and the fact they are non interchangeable has been covered at length here, and on many other websites and while it is not translated perfectly it is also covered on our own website. Your manual also clearly indicates you need 0800.040. If you still have the original packaging and the pump is unused, if you send it to me I will swap you out. I cannot answer for why the model number did not change, I have no control over that. Realistically if we changed the model number every time we made some small change it would result in a lot more confusion, on average every product sees some small change every 6 months and if it doesn't affect performance or function there is no real reason for a model number change. As we find a way to improve a product it is done and once a model number is used it is retired and we would quickly run out of usable model numbers. !073.008 is primarily quieter and that was the reason for the change.
Thanks for the response, Roger.

I did find out here *after* purchase that I had bought the wrong thing. I'm not in the habit of searching internet forums for model changes and part compatibility; maybe I should be. I bought a replacement pump for the 9002, and the page I did so on did not disclose that there were two versions. Surely I'm not the only one who's made a similar error.

I'll contact you about switching out the pump after I get out of work. It is opened, but it was never turned on, placed in water, or anything like that. It took 5 seconds for me to realize it would not fit. Thanks again.
I have not had anyone else make this mistake, but I can see where it would happen. For the most part people buy there spare parts direct from us, so that prevents a lot of these mistakes since people see the wording on tunze.com and ask. No biggie, I am not trying to make you feel bad and we will take care of it.

The 0800.040 is about $5 more, but I understand you have to ship it to me so we will just call it even. Send it to:

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Include a return address and phone number and within a day of getting it we will send the 0800.040.
How much would you want for 1st gen skimmer housing?

I'm now out some money (shipping fees both ways + 10% restocking fee), and am frustrated from having had a skimmerless tank for two weeks and counting. Now I can spend $50 to keep a discontinued product on life support for about another two years, or spend around $65 on a new skimmer housing PLUS the $40 I've already spent to fix a $150 skimmer that's not even two years old. Neither seems particularly appealing...
Roger, I shipped the pump Saturday, Feb. 12 via USPS Priority Mail to the address provided, so it should have arrived this past Monday or Tuesday. I just wanted to confirm that you received it, and if the 0800.040 was shipped, via what carrier so I can keep an eye out for its arrival. Thanks again. Joel
I have not had anyone else make this mistake, but I can see where it would happen. For the most part people buy there spare parts direct from us, so that prevents a lot of these mistakes since people see the wording on tunze.com and ask. No biggie, I am not trying to make you feel bad and we will take care of it.

The 0800.040 is about $5 more, but I understand you have to ship it to me so we will just call it even. Send it to:

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753

Include a return address and phone number and within a day of getting it we will send the 0800.040.
I do not recall receiving a 1073.008 and it is just myself and one employee and I handle repairs/replacements. Do you happen to have a tracking number? Can I get the name that would have been on the box so I can check arrival. We have a new route driver and we have had so unusual mix ups/ late deliveries.
Joel MacClellan is the name. I included a brief note in the box w/return address and phone number per your instructions above. The box is slightly larger than the pump box, with the pump box inside. Unfortunately, I didn't pay the extra amount for a tracking number, but I never have problems with USPS and it has not been returned to sender. If got lost in the mail... gosh, could this get worse?

That's neat that you have altums. I am a planted guy too - a 225 with black/koi angels, lots of rarer swords and crypts.
We will go to the post office tomorrow and check into it. I asked Dave, he handles all incoming and outgoing shipments, he noted that on Tuesday the mail carrier left a note that said 2 packages were available for us to pick up at the post office, he went with the note and they only gave him one and insisted that is all there was and the driver must have made a mistake. We will also check with our neighbors. If you could PM me your address and phone number, that will also likely help.

Thanks, I have had my altums for a few years now. It is tough to find healthy ones but other than that they are sturdy. I have always been a big fan of swords but I am trying Toninas and some of the newer plants to the bobby this go around. Right now the only swords I have are Echinodorus augustifolius "Vesuvious" and Echinodorus "Red Rubin". I used to have a nice Asian theme tank with Chocolate Gouramis and I kept crypts. A little trick I learned with crypts and preventing crypt rot is to use RO water and add about a tsp of sea salt for every 10 gallons. The water in most asian rivers has a very low calcium and KH but higher sodium and it seems the sodium prevents crypt rot. From your avatar I assume you are in Tennessee, so the water may be perfect out of the tap, I know the water in Florida is ideal and I believe in the Chattanooga area it is also higher in sodium and lower in calcium and KH.
PM Sent. Thanks for looking into it with your post office.

I haven't gone with Altums for those kinds of reasons.
The tap water here is fine for crypts (could be softer), and ADA aquasoil helps a lot. Not nearly soft enough for Toninas, but I have some Erios that are doing well. I've got some uncommon crypts from Ghanzafar Gori, but am digging some of the new rarer swords... E. angustifolia 'vesuvius', E. sp. 'AFlame', E. sp. 'Kleiner Prinz' E. uruguayensis, E. parviflorus 'tropica', E. "Red Flame" etc. and some Apons, Crinums, Nymphaeas, etc. Try to get the Kleiner Prinz if you can. It stays 12" and is really pretty. It's one of the 2010 german hybrids FAN started farming out.

I had a red rubin, but it got out of hand, lol:

Here's my older 75g before the recent move to the 225:
Really nice, I am also using Aquasoil, my main limitation at the moment was I tried an experiment with Solar Tubes that failed, tropical plants don't much care for changes in day length, I have supplemented with some LED spots but need more.

I never had much luck with parviflorus "Tropica" they seem to grow painfully slow. Uruguayensis has always been a favorite, for the most part I have gotten away form the man made varieties and try to stick as close to a natural biotope as I can, admittedly I use a heavy amount of Blyxa as a foreground plant at the moment because I find it a much more manageable alternative to chain swords.
That stinks that the solar tubes didn't work. That could be a great option for lower latitudes though.

Actually, what I have may be the non-tropica version of the parviflorus, as these grow better than the known-Tropica I had in the past. In fact, one is flowering right now.

Blyxa is a great foreground, I don't understand why people don't use it more often. Just a big pull & replant every few months. Same tank, a few years ago:

I do like chain swords though, but it can get out of hand with the runners: