Tunze 9010 Questions


Hi, I got a tunze 9010 skimmer used from fellow reefer here on RC. The skimmer is foaming nicely but it seems like it doesn't have enough air inject into it. I turn the blue screw almost completely out but the skimmer doesn't overflow the cup. is it that how it should be? It is foaming nicely in the neck area though. Any help is appreciated. thanks
Has anything started to rise up yet, it typically takes 12-48hrs for the foam to start to rise into the cup? It could be something is wrong with the venturi or drive unit.
The cup is designed to never overflow, when the cup is full the backpressure pushes down the foam and skimming stops. When the screw is fully opened the skimmate collected should be watery (clear, milky or very light brown) but it wouldn't quickly fill with water and overflow.