tunze 9410 master doc skimmer noise


New member
I have just installed this skimmer i have set up and its foaming,
I know it need to break in.

i would like others experiences on the pump noise as mine seems noisy at the moment, will this get quieten down with time, my 9010 was very quite.

It will take some time. It seems that the 9410 has an exceptionally long break-in period, I am still breaking in and I am at 2 weeks( however I think I may be prolonged it by adding the filter sock a week ago). Do you have the air line almost all the way closed? Did you wash the filter sock in hot water before use? My skimmer was noisey at first but it was mostly due to water getting sucked in the airline tubing not the pump itself.
it will settle down! Mine has been running for 7 days now and it is less audible each day. The output assembly is the loudest thing on it. I layed a 1/2" thick x 2" x 4" piece of course sponge in the output cup over the filter sock this morning and it silenced the water noise.
It will always be a little louder than the 9010, it is a stronger pump. But it will quiet down.
running for few hours now, filter sock i did rinse in hot water before use,
the air screw is turned to almost closed.

i did raise the skimmer to get the water level to 7.5 inch,

The water at middle where the antifoaming takes place is just below the hole that lets the water out not sure if this is correct.

that's correct. Mine gently spills out the hole on the side as well.

Mine operates better at 7 inches than 7.5. It lets me open the air more.

i have raised the skimmer so its approx. 7 inch.
this works well more air ,

i still had the noise issue, for the pump itself i took the pump of the skimmer and run it with no air, and its noisy. i have a silence recirculating pump and the my brother has the 9420 pump which a are all quite, apart from the normal vibration you get with all pumps.

I have taken the pump back to the retailer for his opinion and he said it was noisy, he has emailed Tunze. now i have to wait see what next.

must say 9410 does skim better than the 9010 and thats without opening the air to full.

Typically a noisy pump needs new bushings, on each end of the needlewheel drive unit is a ceramic bushing with a red silicon sleeve. This sleeve can be torn during assembly, it is also possible it is not in completely.
thank you for your reply,

At the retailer the pump was opened and checked, the ceramic bushing with a red silicon sleeve,were fine, reassembled and checked, the pump was still the same. i believe the drive shaft is off balance.

like i said my brothers 9420 skimmer with the new pump is very quite, He did have the older first gen pump which was very nosiy, the drive shaft replaced
twice as they had broken, so replaced the new version pump.

The retailer opening and checking it might have actually created the problem if they didn't re-seat the impeller shaft properly.

have you opened the volute and looked to see if when they re-assembled that the red bushings were not pinched? I have re-assembled a bunch of skimmer pumps and have pinched alot of bushings thinking the volute was sliding in correctly. If the shaft is pushed in slightly off center (like Roger mentioned), the shaft will scrape and pinch the bushing fairly easily and actually loosen the bushings grip on the shaft creating a wobble.

Either way I'm sure you'll be taken care of


the pump was nosiy before it was opened it was checked,when it was opened we did look at the rubber bushing to see if they are seated correctly. Reassembled and check again, Still noisy.

this is a new pump noisy from start.

Ceramic wouldn't likely warp but a chip or scratch could result in a lot of noise. What country are you in, himat?

I am in the UK , I have spoken to my retailer he tells me tunze are sending out a impeller. to see if it fixes the problem. the pump is with my retailer ,will update on this when i find out.
