Tunze Chiller


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We are now offering a chiller and I wanted to make you aware of this. Aquarium Specialty already has it listed and Premium Aquatics and Reef Exotics will also have it posted soon.

It is made in the USA and it is only available in the US at this time. It is very well made, hand assembled and it achieves 5000BTU on 670 watts so basically you get nearly the cooling power of most 1/2 horse units with the power consumption of better made 1/3rd horse units.
Roger, look like i will need two of those for my system. Will the Chiller have the high speed Tunze sticker on it?
Looking at this also. Nice to see tunze in the chiller biz!!
Whats the sound levels like on these?
They make noise like any other chiller with a compressor. The most I can say is the noise is pleasant and not anything above the competitors levels. It sounds just like a hotel window unit, the compressor cleanly shuts off and turns on without any shudder.
I purchased one of these units last week and have it installed and running. The controls are very intuitive and the unit's temp controller keeps the tank stable. No big 3 degree swings with this one. Noise level is comparable to other 1/3 hp chillers. I had an Aqualogic 1/3hp inline chiller previously and it is no more or less noisy than that unit.

The Tunze unit is solid as a brick s---t house and I think it is going to be a asset to my system. The temp controller is built in and has a circuit for a heater which is turned on when appropriate. Cool, compact, well thought out control system. I can't see what there is not to love about this unit.

Mike Meek
Not at this time. We are gonna see how our first chiller does before we look at manufacturing any new models.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12570796#post12570796 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wartskin
This is a 1/3 plus chiller and I believe it's rated for tanks up to 450 gallons.

Yes sir, i am aware of the ability of the chiller just that my system is 800+g :D :rollface:
Honest Question needing Honest Reply:

Will this chiller work for a Tank / Sump combo with the following specs:

Tank: 350 Gal
Sump: 70 Gal
Lights: 2400 Watts (8 x 250W MH and 8 x 54W T5)
Temp without Lights 81
Temp with Lights 92
Room Temp 79

I want a quality Chiller that will do the job reliably with capacity to spare. It shouldn't have to run all night to catch up and cool the tank.

Please reccomend I look elsewhere if your chiller is not large enough....most other brands I have looked at reccomend 1/2 minimum for me.

I don't think you'll be able to get away with 1 chiller under that temp condition. But Roger will be able to answer that question better
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12683555#post12683555 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by recife111
Are these available worldwide or is it only a USA model.

Seem very expensive.

It is made in the USA and it is only available in the US at this time.
M.C. Hippo

It would be pushing the limits, looks like you need about 15 degrees of pull down and the chiller is rated to pull down 400 gallons 10 degrees. It would likely work but it will probably run a lot during the day with the lights on which would likely shorten the life of the compressor.