My Tunze Chiller Setup
My Tunze Chiller Setup
Sorry I took so long to respond. I would include a picture of the dual Tunze set up if I knew how to upload pictures. My review of the product follows and is totally unscientific...these are my perspectives and nothing more. Scale is 1 to 5 w/ 5 being the best.
1) Design / Form Factor: 5 (Very cool design with a small footprint)
2) Installation: 5 (Very straight forword; Threaded connections (rather than barbed); Excellent directions)
3) Cooling Power: 2 (Perhaps a bit harse...and I welcome suggestions here to optimize performance...Even with two chillers, they run a lot...almost constantly during the time my lights are on. I have them set for 78 and they are not able to keep up. Tank Temp range before chillers: 80'ish to 90'ish when lights on. Tank Temp range after chillers: 78 to 82'ish when lights on. And there in is the reason for my low rating. I was expecting the two chillers to be able to keep my temp closer to 78. Again, I welcome suggestions for optimizing performance.
4) Heat Release: 1 (Wow! These units put out a tremendous amount of heat. I have them in my 6 X 10 fish room where my Sump is located. They drive the temp in that room up to 101 degrees...So what am I doing wrong. I have added fans (one each on the chillers). I am now contemplating getting an AC for the room...which seems totally rediculous. I am having to fix a problem caused by what was suppose to be a solution. Anyway...I welcome suggestions...
Final Note: I am using Blueline Velocity T4's (one each per chiller) to pump water through...
Again, I am not trying to bash Tunze here...I am looking for suggestions and I want this feed back to be considered by Tunze for suggested improvements. Thanks, Dave