Tunze Doc Skimmer 9010


New member
I just ordered one of these - hopefully will recieve it soon though I think ETA is likely to be around July :(

Is there any info about this skimmer around - it is not on the Tunze website from what I can see and a UK only google search doesn't bring up any results.
Not much info is out yet, no manual and just a blurb on the new product PDF on the Tunze web page. You might run a search here on DOC skimmer. They should be available in June.
thanks - I will keep my eyes out - after much research I decided most of the equipment in my tank could be Tunze stuff with the help of maybe a few MJ's. More money but I am impressed by the low power consumption. :D
Turbelle Streams are excellent. Scratch the need for MJ's. Very quiet and well worth the extra Ã"šÃ‚£. My mate is going to replace his 3 Mjs and 2 Eheims with 1 Stream. Holding device is pretty rubbish but can be adapted easily to fasten securely to a hood. Just waiting on the Doc Skimmer now....