Tunze Magnet Upgrade for teh 6105 (because it's too weak on 3/4" acrylic)


Snail Killer
Premium Member
Added another Tunze 6105 yesterday. The magnets on 3/4" acrylic are seriously weak. The cord wrapped over the side of the tank basically stops it from falling off. The 6205 is supposed to come with a magnet that is good up to 1". Why can't Tunze just put that on the 6105? Makes no sense to me. Is there some kind of magnet upgrade kit so you can get the 6205 magnets on a 6105? Haven't seen them but the instruction manual suggests they exist.

I want to thread cords around LR columns so they aren't seen but I can't as the cord needs to be directly above the pump to stop it falling down.
The 6205 and 6305 are intended for large tanks which will likely have thicker material, the magnets are bulkier (thicker) and on thinner glass they cause more vibration and noise so for most applications using the smaller pumps the thinner magnet is the better option. The magnets are part 6205.500, they are roughly 1/4" thicker. You should be able to order them through your dealer or on Tunze.com.
I looked on Tunze.com but don't see any magnet upgrade kit. Could you please post a link and point me to someone that sells it.
I just got some 6305s, and the magnets are quite good even for 1" on these pumps -- a definitive step up from the old 6200 H-style magnets that were way too weak.

Roger, I am curious about your statement that they cause more vibration... is that because they interact with the motor magnets?

If you put the 6205.500 on thinner glass like 1/2", it is so strong it compresses the bumpons and the magnets make contact with the glass and transmit more vibration.

I would check with your dealer, I know the webpage will get a full overhaul in the next few months, but this item has apparently not been added.
I have a large 6' tank that is 3' wide and 30" tall so 3/4" was the way to go to build it. A 6205 would be overkill. The 6105s are simply peerfectly. If you sold the stronger magnets as an addon there would be many happy campers I'm sure. o you mean that they don't exist yet but are slated for release?
No, they exist, they just are not on the website yet as a spare part, I have them in stock here as a spare part. Your dealer can get them for sure.