TUNZE Modes on Controller


New member
What is TUNZE's equalivent to Vortech's Reef Crest Mode?

I am torn between using Vortech and TUNZE products. I have seen a lot of people using the Vortech with great success in my local MAS. But I see more TUNZEs being featured in TOTM than Vortech. So that leans me toward TUNZEs over Vortechs.

Are there any programs or software that can simulate Vortech's Reef Crest Mode?
I assume that is a wave generating mode? That would be wavebox mode on the 7096. The 7095 has no equivalent.
I have a TUNZE Wavebox, and LOVE it. That is why I am looking at adding mor of your products to my tank.

But the Vortech has 4 main modes of water flow. They are:

1. Constant Speed
2. Lagoon Random (quickly changing speeds either up or down)
3. Reef Crest Random (slowly changing speeds either up or down)
4. Pulse Mode (the pump speeds up and slows down at a rate chosen by the user)

I had a chart that graphed the time with the gph at different time of the day. It looked like seizmic graph.

Is there a customizable application for the TUNZE pumps to tell it what to do and when to do it? (Aquasurf, Profliex, etc.)
I am not very familiar with other brands of controller. The 7096 has the following modes-

1) Pulse, all pumps on and pulsing between 2 speeds every 1-7 seconds.
2) Interval, 2 channels on and pulsing between 2 speeds as in pulse mode and after an interval from 1min-12hrs they switch to the other 2 channels.
3) Sequence mode- Pumps come on in sequence.
4) Wavebox mode, like 6091 wavebox controller but with added auto tune feature, works only on channels 3 and 4.

These can be overlapped with Storm Mode which overrides the program every 1-7 days to create a random storm.

I don't know of anything like Reef Crest mode on our controllers.
I have 2 6205's and a 7096 controller and just want to make sure I understand what the pulse mode does. If I have a pump on Ch.1 and set the pulse flow to 4 seconds, power 2 to 40% and power 1 to 80% the pump will start running at 40% for 4 seconds then immediately bump up to 80% speed for 4 seconds, then back to 40% for 4 seconds and on and on, right? Or is the pulse a ramp up in speed? Like from 40% to 80% over the span of 4 seconds? I hope that makes sense...
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