Tunze Power adapter melting on me


Obsessed Reefer
Roger, my Tunze power adapter got real hot & along with the pump connector started melting. I wonder what the issue was but I feel I caught this issue before turning into a catastrophic accident.

Please help!
It is unlikely there is any real danger, all of our power supplies are thermally protected and shut off at 60-100C depending on the model, older units have higher shut off temps than more modern units. The plastic melts at about 120C so after they shut off residual heat can cause them to melt. For reference, paper and wood products typically after reach a temp of at least 200C to ignite. Even in a worst case scenario you should be able to regard our products as extremely safe.

Can you tell me which model is the power supply? It may be you are refering to the connector at the end of the pump and not the power supply, this has a capacitor inside that can short and overheat if wet or corroded but it quickly burns through and breaks contact, they tend to get hot and then the contact breaks.
Roger, Sorry if I sounded over reacting, but I was a little concerned & am relieved now & I still Love Tunze.
This is for a 6101 pump. The pump is ofcourse not working now, but the connector has melted to such an extent that I'm unable to unplug the adapter from the connector & the only way is to cut the wire. Please suggest some options. Thanks!
If the power supply connector is welded in there, it most certainly got wet. The fix will be to send in the pump and we will solder a new end on and the only charge will be for a new power supply. Do not cut anything, it is much harder to make this repair if wires are cut too short. You can cut off the power supply, but nothing from the main pump connector.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Roger, there is absolutely no possibility for water around the power adapters. I have my tank in the basement, & have all my ballasts & pump power adapters housed in a box with a vent over the drop ceiling. If there was any sign of water the drop ceiling would have gotten wet, but I'm 100% positive about this. It does look like the pumps connector's capacitor is charred. I have attached some pictures for reference.



Send it in, I will just have to see, It only takes a drop of water in the connector to cause this, as a result of the short, it gets hot and the capacitor melts down and the arcing essentially welds the connectors together. A bit of water could have simply run down the cord. I won't say it is impossible it happened without getting wet, but it is something I have never seen, if it got wet there will be greenish colored corrosion from the reaction of the salt and copper.