Tunze Stream 6101 not running


Low maintenance first
I have a Tunze Stream 6101 that I kept in storage for a while.

When not connected to a controller, at the lowest setting (turning the little white knob all the way to the left) it would run. But as it is it up it wouldn't run, it kind of gives a weak pulse.

When connected to the controller, the indicators look normal for a while. After a while the percentage indicator of that channel would go blank.

Is it a case of faulty drive unit?
The motor is dying, a jammed drive unit is more likely to have the opposite, run only at high power. In this case either the motor or built in driver circuitry has a short or break and as it heats up (higher power) contact seperates and it shuts off. The must common cause is that at some point the pump got hot and the internals expanded and cracked the circuit board.