Tunze Turbelle Stream 2 Questions


Anyone runnint these combination?

1 x Tunze Multicontroller 7095
2 x Tunze Turbelle® Stream 2 Controllable Pump 6105 (New Generation with Titanium Alloy Shaft)

I have a 150 Gal tank that is 60 inches long. Currently I have 4 x Koralina, which is rated for 1400 GPH each.

I was told I only needed 2 x Tunze Turbelle for my tank. Would that be enough? The tank have combination of SPS, LPS and softies as well as mostly tangs.

Can someone advise?

It will definitely be enough, ignore the flow ratings, we underestimate, our competitors seem to overestimate, it will seem like much more than the numbers are leading you to believe.
It will definitely be enough, ignore the flow ratings, we underestimate, our competitors seem to overestimate, it will seem like much more than the numbers are leading you to believe.


How many 6105's do you recommend for a bare bottom standard 90 gallon tank, moderately stocked with sps'.
One would be a start but 2 would be ideal so you could switch sides and alternate the flow direction.
would you recommend to use these 6105 with 7096 or 7095 controller? I like 7096 due to the fact that it can interface with a PC.....

The only reason to go with the 7095 is if you are a technophobe or it is a situation where a computer connection is not practical. The 7096 is cheaper and does more.
Just keep in mind that the warranty on any older model is likely up, we switched to the 6105 in December 2008, it would work, but a good deal now may be more expensive down the road. You would likely want to run the 6101 at its 15V setting to reduce the flow.