Tunze Turbelle Stream 6200 pumps in need of repair.


New member
Does anyone know how to repair Tunze pumps? I have 3 Tunze Turbelle Stream 6200's that are not working correctly, the driver keeps beeping because the impellor is not spinning correctly (I am running them with a 7095 Multi Controller). I have bought new impellors and inner bearings for them and have pulled them apart as per Tunze cleaning instructions but still no joy. I have tested them using the 7095 and without the 7095 and no difference. I have soaked the parts and pump in a mild vinegar solution too and that didn’t help. They are out of warranty so can't take them back, these pumps not even 3 years old yet and have failed already (far too expensive to be throwing out after 2 1/2 years). I thought I'd ask the question here on this forum incase someone has had the same experience and knows how to fix them. I have narrowed the problem down to the pumps and not the transformer or driver. I have tried Tunze wholesalers but they are not interested.

Any advice is much appreciated
Have you contacted AquaDepot, the importer for Australia? The 6200 motor is out of production, but the factory is replacing the 6200 motors with 6205 retrofit kits for about $180US. They should be able to work out an upgrade along these lines.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15293203#post15293203 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
Have you contacted AquaDepot, the importer for Australia? The 6200 motor is out of production, but the factory is replacing the 6200 motors with 6205 retrofit kits for about $180US. They should be able to work out an upgrade along these lines.

Hi Roger

Yes I have contacted Aquadepot and they did not like the fact that I bought these pumps from an online Tunze dealer in Singapore so the help was rather minimal although they did say that Tunze is not making them any more and mentioned I could buy the 6105 instead from them. When I contacted the store I purchased them from in Singapore they said we can't do anything as they are out of warranty which is understandable as the pumps only had 1 year warranty. That’s all well and good but these pumps are only 2 1/2 years old and 3 out of the 4 pumps have failed not one, if it was one I wouldn’t worry about it. I can't afford throwing out good money after bad. So what happens if I do buy the 6205 pumps and then they break down after a couple years just go out and buy more again? Tunze is supposed to be a reputable company with "Germany Quality" I am sure there pumps are supposed to last longer that a couple years at the price they charge for them. I posted this thread to see if anyone else in the world has had the same problem and has managed to fix them some how I will DEFINITELY NOT replace these pumps with Tunze pumps if I can't fix them.

The electronics inside the motor have failed. The electronics are potted in polyurethane resin and unaccessable, no repair is possible except replacing the motor. They could have failed for many reasons, the most common being locking up with calcium or due to a power interruption. The cost of repair vs the cost of upgrading in this case is the same, I don't see how we could be more fair.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15298147#post15298147 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rvitko
The electronics inside the motor have failed. The electronics are potted in polyurethane resin and unaccessable, no repair is possible except replacing the motor. They could have failed for many reasons, the most common being locking up with calcium or due to a power interruption. The cost of repair vs the cost of upgrading in this case is the same, I don't see how we could be more fair.

Yes I agree it would have mostly likely been a calcium build up but the protection device in the driver will shut down the pump which it did I pulled the pump apart cleaned out the Ca build up (although I couldn’t physically see a build up of anything in the pump when I pulled it apart) put it back together and it should have worked again without any problems. I don't accept that it would have been a power interruption as I have other more delicate equipment here at home not only for the Aquariums and nothing else has played up. This is purely a case of I have been sold 4 pumps 3 of which were faulty (most likely with an underlying fault that obviously didn’t show up immediately when taken out of the box) and Tunze won't take responsibility That's what is unfair and bad customer service.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15300823#post15300823 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by metalman
Yes I agree it would have mostly likely been a calcium build up but the protection device in the driver will shut down the pump which it did I pulled the pump apart cleaned out the Ca build up (although I couldn’t physically see a build up of anything in the pump when I pulled it apart) put it back together and it should have worked again without any problems. I don't accept that it would have been a power interruption as I have other more delicate equipment here at home not only for the Aquariums and nothing else has played up. This is purely a case of I have been sold 4 pumps 3 of which were faulty (most likely with an underlying fault that obviously didn’t show up immediately when taken out of the box) and Tunze won't take responsibility That's what is unfair and bad customer service.


I take it from your non reply there is nothing more that can be done with my pumps.
They cannot be repaired, they are sealed. The motors are no longer made. The only option is an upgrade to a 6205 which would be done at the same price as a new 6201.015 motor block. I don't have any control over the warranty and service in Australia, I am the US distributor. If it were in my hands, I can't work any miracles, but I would do my best to offer a discount on the replacements, but you need to take it up with the distributor in Australia.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15300823#post15300823 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by metalman
Yes I agree it would have mostly likely been a calcium build up but the protection device in the driver will shut down the pump which it did I pulled the pump apart cleaned out the Ca build up (although I couldn’t physically see a build up of anything in the pump when I pulled it apart) put it back together and it should have worked again without any problems. I don't accept that it would have been a power interruption as I have other more delicate equipment here at home not only for the Aquariums and nothing else has played up. This is purely a case of I have been sold 4 pumps 3 of which were faulty (most likely with an underlying fault that obviously didn’t show up immediately when taken out of the box) and Tunze won't take responsibility That's what is unfair and bad customer service.

hey bro i understand how u feel but Roger is the distributor for the US market. u could write directly to Germany: info.english@tunze.com
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15325702#post15325702 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chercm
hey bro i understand how u feel but Roger is the distributor for the US market. u could write directly to Germany: info.english@tunze.com

I have emailed Germany on that email address but it gets forwarded to the USA. No one from Germany will reply to me. I am going to Germany on business in a couple months I might just go and visit them in person with the pumps.
It is true that all of the info.english@tunze.com emails come direct to me, but I do forward them on if they are not something I can properly respond to. I don't recall any recent emails from Australia, but I normally forward them to AquaDepot. You can reach Tunze Germany at info@tunze.com
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15300823#post15300823 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by metalman
Yes I agree it would have mostly likely been a calcium build up but the protection device in the driver will shut down the pump which it did I pulled the pump apart cleaned out the Ca build up (although I couldn’t physically see a build up of anything in the pump when I pulled it apart) put it back together and it should have worked again without any problems. I don't accept that it would have been a power interruption as I have other more delicate equipment here at home not only for the Aquariums and nothing else has played up. This is purely a case of I have been sold 4 pumps 3 of which were faulty (most likely with an underlying fault that obviously didn’t show up immediately when taken out of the box) and Tunze won't take responsibility That's what is unfair and bad customer service.

ive had 8 pumps in numerous tanks for over 5 years and i CLEAN MY PUMPS BEFORE THE DRIVERS SHUTDOWN and have never had a problem.

With 3 out of YOU'RE 4 pumps malfuctioning, it sounds more like you've mistreated them rather than a product fault but i could be wrong.

Roger has given you you're options, what more do you want! He's not going to replace them for free, he's not going to give you a discount on new pumps.

Geez i get sick of wankers bashing products when they dont get there own way....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15333560#post15333560 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dangerrrr
ive had 8 pumps in numerous tanks for over 5 years and i CLEAN MY PUMPS BEFORE THE DRIVERS SHUTDOWN and have never had a problem.

With 3 out of YOU'RE 4 pumps malfuctioning, it sounds more like you've mistreated them rather than a product fault but i could be wrong.

Roger has given you you're options, what more do you want! He's not going to replace them for free, he's not going to give you a discount on new pumps.

Geez i get sick of wankers bashing products when they dont get there own way....

Hey Dangerrrr DON’T refer to me a wanker when you don't even know me.

I didn't post my thread on here for someone to give me free pumps. I posted it to see if this is a common problem with the 6200 and how many more of these pumps have failed on other people.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15333560#post15333560 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dangerrrr
ive had 8 pumps in numerous tanks for over 5 years and i CLEAN MY PUMPS BEFORE THE DRIVERS SHUTDOWN and have never had a problem.

With 3 out of YOU'RE 4 pumps malfuctioning, it sounds more like you've mistreated them rather than a product fault but i could be wrong.

Roger has given you you're options, what more do you want! He's not going to replace them for free, he's not going to give you a discount on new pumps.

Geez i get sick of wankers bashing products when they dont get there own way....

honestly dangerrrr, this isnt the place for you to voice your opinions, good luck to you and your 8 pumps, congrats even.. but as for calling people wankers, how about you shut TF up! this is a support forum, not a slander forum