Turbelle Stream Kit TS21 (6000) any good?

great if u r willin to pay for it/
options-mjmods 1200 times two-no controller
or wait for jan-feb when korallia will b comin out with new pumps
I mean HYDOR
Reefsahoy, among the Tunze kits that is the one to buy, you can later on buy & change the capacitors/transformers and make the pumps 6100 for less money than the ts24 kit will cost you.
I am running the 6100's with the same controller and this combination gives very good ramdom flow in a 210gal
BTW, if you get the tunzes, definitely magnets whether you get the tunze ones or the adapter for the mag floats it don't matter but get any magnet that allows you to place them in different places, this is very important, I got a pair first and it destroyed my tank because I could not move them around