twist tie dropped in sump (the metal one) could it cause problems?


New member
If it would and I need to get it out, I'll need to take everything out of my sump :headwalls:

I believe it is the one with the metal line and plastic or whatever around it (what's used for garbage bags, bread bags etc)
Can you use a long tongs, forceps, or something?

If not, I wouln't worry about it, unless your system is very small. I've used similiar in my system at times. I currently have a SS hose clamp with a bronzeish looking screw on it in my sump, underwater on my RP. Doesn't seem to matter
I can't even see it cause it is black, I pulled out the skimmer already and can't see it anywhere. It fell off an airline tube. Total volume is over 220 gallons
still can't find it. did put in fresh carbon. tank looks cloudy now from all the things i stirred up in the sump/ refugium looking for it. hopefully the skimmer will take care of everything i stirred up
Can you tie a small magnet to a string and try to fish it out that way? Just drag it around in the area.