Two Shy Bartlett's Anthias


So I have 2 female bartlett's anthias in a lightly stocked 125. I bought them as a trio with a male. The male got chased a little initially by my melanarus when I added them to the DT but nothing excessive and it didnt last long. For the first few months they stayed out in the water column being very active. Then all of a sudden. The male started hiding and would not come out. He did come out to eat once. Shortly after, the females started hiding but would come out to eat. The male has since died but the females are still doing well, just extremely shy. They hide all day but do come out for feedings and eat vigorously.

I have 1 lyretail in the tank too and I'm looking to add either another trio of my lyretails or Bartletts and I'm hoping it will help bring the other 2 out. I'd prefer bartletts but figured id see if anyone had experience with this helping with shyness.

The lone lyretail is still female

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By the way, I QT all new fish using ttm, prazi and a couple week observation, not that it rules out disease, but of course makes it a lot less likely for why the behavior change.

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