ultra crocea prices?

fishforlife said:
Vietnam clams was not collected right in the past and up to now.
That's why the Solomon does not feel any competition at all from Vietnam clams. Many of the divers have yet to be educated to collect it right.

Some new exporter have teach the divers to carefully remove the clams from the rock it is attach too.
You will see more clams of good quality will be coming out of Vietnam. As the quality of Vietnam clams improves, the Solomon islands will need to adjust their prices.

From what I heard this is incorrect. There are 2 places that clams are collected in Vietnam. One is the north the other is the south. The north viatnamese clams are taken off the rocks for food...therefore they rip the clams off the rocks. Since it is for human consumption it does not matter what condition the clam is in when harvested since it will be processed for food. The clams taken in South Vietnam are for ornamental purposes. So these clams are taken care of when being removed from the sea. If you buy a vietnamese clam from the North collection site then chances are you will have torn foot on the clam. If you get the ones from the south you should be fine. Question here lies in can your distributor/picker discern the difference so as not to buy the wrong clams from the wrong site.
Yes, that's really true.
The north clams are not collected well at all.
If the exporters are in the South, chances are they collected only from the South and vice versa.
The reason is because transportation is horrible in VN. So the clams will not survive a trip of 12+ hrs by car/truck from the North. Compared to the US, the same distance can be covered in half the time.
To make things easy, you can more or less tell where the exporter gets his supply based on his farm location by checking it with the country map.
Hope that helps clarify my previous posting.
Heres mine...

Not sure where its from but I paid $30 for him locally and personally I think he looks great.:D

Phisher said:
Heres mine...
Not sure where its from but I paid $30 for him locally and personally I think he looks great.:D

I think 30 dollars is a steal for this Ultra Crocea. You are lucky to get it so cheap.