Undulated Trigger

Titan - Once again awesome pic of your Trigger. Another Undy fan that does not get frustrated and get rid of them. They really are the pit bull of the fish world. Misunderstood, taken in until they chew up the furniture, then given away to the quickest home.

Here is a recent pic of my girl... right now she is allowing a V-tail Grouper ( or Flag Tail I think ) to share a tank. A pic of her getting a treat to chew on.

Is it possible to keep a male/female pair of undulateds, considering that they are sexually dichromatic?

And, do they bother zoas?
I'd almost guarantee the zoo's would be shredded. Not for the sake of a snack; just anything out've the normal in their world is not tolerated. Haveing a male/female pair would probably be allright in a large tank for some time; but I couldn't see two 12" Undy's being compatible.
I asked the same question when I was looking for a tank mate for my Undy. I would think that a m/f relationship would work... but only a matter of time as Titan says. They would most likely need to be introduced into the tank at the same time. I wouldnt want to add a sexually dominant fish into a tank with a already established territory. As my fish bussy says, " its always an experiment. " I agree. I might be able to have two Undy's in my tank tommorow that are fine and the next day... gameover.

I posted before and I think Titan will agree, if you are looking to just have another fish in there with the Undulate... make sure you are willing to A. Loose the fish B. Have an expensive treat for your Trigger. Best thing to do... post on here and ask if anyone else has done it. I myself would say go with small very very fast fish, with very bright colors. IMO my trigger is like a pit bull... she is not fast, not the best hunter of moving objects, but if she does get a piece it is going to hurt!
Damsels, big groupers {considerably larger than the Undy}, and a Triggerfish with a bigger attitude than the Undulate would be my best guess. The only fish that harrassed mine daily and at will was my 9" Niger. Figure that one out...
I just bought a 4" Undulate trigger 4 weeks ago from another member on this forum. He warned me that the reason he's selling the fish was because it nearly killed all his fishes.

Since I have a 300g tank with other large aggressive fishes that are twice its size ( BIG angel fishes and an 8" blueline trigger), I didn't think there would be a problem with this little guy in it..... I was wrong !!!

The first hour everthing was cool because he was just hidding in one of the rocks. After that all hell broke loose :uzi: . He went after every single fish including the blueline trigger thats twice his size. Needless to say, he is now in a 90g all by it self. And it took me over 4 hours to catch him.

I have never seen a fish this mean in my 20 years with this hobby. He bites everything I put into the tank, including my fingers. But then again this is the fish I have most fun with. Everyday I would spend at least 30min playing with him during feeding time. He is the best stress eliminator for me. During this 30min of feeding time, my stress and worries from work all went away as I have to give 100% undivided attention in order to keep all my 10 fingers :lol:

If you have never owned an undulated trigger before and can afford a tank just for it, you should try one. Who knows it may become your best natural stress reducer medicine for many years to come:D
My triggers reduce stress too. I enjoy feeding my bursa trigger freeze dried krill because he'll eat it from my hand. Sometimes he'll take a bite out of my finger if I'm not careful. I saw a niger trigger in my lfs that was as aggressive as an undy. I've also seen a 1" clown trigger tear up an entire tank of fish who was three or four times his size. Some fish are just psychotic- but fun.
I agree, I love watching my trigger, not as big as a pyscho as kimha's recent addition. But so far he hasn't actively killed any fish, but I keep a very close eye on him. But then again, like I mentioned before, he's a small fish, so as he grows, I'm sure he'll become even more aggressive.
Seems like the more peacful ones start to change at roughly 4-5" in length. I guess it takes some time for the attitude to develope.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8601145#post8601145 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Titan*69
Seems like the more peacful ones start to change at roughly 4-5" in length. I guess it takes some time for the attitude to develope.

That fits with my guy. He is a pinktail, about 4.5". I thought they were supposed to be mild-mannered - oops. LFS told me (after I bought him) that he was traded in by his previous owner for going after small fish. Since I got him, he has killed 4 chromis and injured a flame angel badly enough that it later died (when 2 chromis & the flame were killed, they were all in a small QT together - I blame the flame angel incident entirely on the cramped quarters).

Anyhow, the guy had traded him in at 4.5" for developing murderous tendencies, so that supports your observation.
Let this post be like the many others, and hopefully people will read about this fish before... they buy.

Curiosity kills a cat here... but fish are underwater... I wonder if anyone had tried a Mantis / Undulate combo?
Why not move the undy to the QT Tank, refugium, or create a 5 gallon out of Acrylic and put holes in it and keep him quarantined that way if they act up. In fact I would argue that would be the only way I could think of to introduce one. If I was going to pick one up I would shoot for the 2 inch range. With that thought in mind and maybe even have a custom tank setup with an acrylic divider that gave him like 15-20 gallons of his own territory.
Why not move the undy to the QT Tank, refugium, or create a 5 gallon out of Acrylic and put holes in it and keep him quarantined that way if they act up. In fact I would argue that would be the only way I could think of to introduce one. If I was going to pick one up I would shoot for the 2 inch range. With that thought in mind and maybe even have a custom tank setup with an acrylic divider that gave him like 15-20 gallons of his own territory.

lol, this thread is almost 11 years old..