Point is, I'm not here to appease those who can't think outside the box. Those who don't have an imagination or a fascination with anything other than the "normal". Do I get offended by those who can't just appreciate the corals I grow and the difference I strive for? You bet I do. I don't believe in following. Followers. Those who can't think outside the box and stretch beyond whatever "normal" is. Or whatever the hypocritical fool who came up with that term meant.
I wish my fellow clubbies, could just look at the corals, and appreciate the live stock. That's the only real reason I share. I get so much more of a warm welcome so many more places than this particular forum on this particular site. But I share here anyways. Becuase I have a passion. A vision. And a love for all things reef. Just like every single other member here does. I will never understand why some people just don't appreciate the time, money and effort I put in. Becuase I can certainly appreciate their's. I'm sorry I don't follow the crowd. I don't conform. It's simply not my style and preference to do so. I'll say it again, it doesn't pay to be different. And when haters speak out like they do here, it speaks volumes. Again, I don't get that criticism anywhere else on any site. Anywhere. My efforts are welcomed, as is my enthusiasm. Here, well I guess I'm expected to be just like everyone else. Maybe I should just stack a pile of rocks in my tank and call it Neal's coral fruit stand. I'm sure if I did, the positive feed back would increase ten fold. But screw that, that would be boring and unoriginal. Neither of two things I hold in very high regard