Unique: A Reefing Journal: A Look Back & A Movement Forward

Again, it does not pay to be different folks... And some make that obvious... So thank you for that...
Neil, dont that that to heart. I have two young kids and your particular ( unique style) reminds me of stuff they build with them. Like I said to each their own. We all have our own style of reef that apeals to us. No need to get you feathers all ruffled and jump on the defensive when someone doesn't dig your gig.
I'm curious, have you ever posted on another's system stating that you do not like their setup? (Has anyone that you can think of?)... I mean, I've been a little outspoken before, myself, but that is a little much. I mean if you don't like it, join the flippen' club. But I mean seriously, who comes out and blantedly says that they don't care for someone else's hard work and passion? Compares it to a child play time efforts... Do you have any idea how much time, money, effort and thought I have got into this???

I am a part of this club, am I not?
Really have always liked the pillars. Has always made me want to put an acrylic sheet on the bottom of the tank with acrylic rods at different lengths attached to that displaying colonies of sps at different heights. How sick would that be. Not all tanks need sand, and they don't all need to look the same IMO.
I've thought about, looked into, and even priced, thick acrylic rods for sps and zoas, however it's much more cost effective and IMO, better looking to go with the Legos... Err, I mean tiles...
Point is, I'm not here to appease those who can't think outside the box. Those who don't have an imagination or a fascination with anything other than the "normal". Do I get offended by those who can't just appreciate the corals I grow and the difference I strive for? You bet I do. I don't believe in following. Followers. Those who can't think outside the box and stretch beyond whatever "normal" is. Or whatever the hypocritical fool who came up with that term meant.

I wish my fellow clubbies, could just look at the corals, and appreciate the live stock. That's the only real reason I share. I get so much more of a warm welcome so many more places than this particular forum on this particular site. But I share here anyways. Becuase I have a passion. A vision. And a love for all things reef. Just like every single other member here does. I will never understand why some people just don't appreciate the time, money and effort I put in. Becuase I can certainly appreciate their's. I'm sorry I don't follow the crowd. I don't conform. It's simply not my style and preference to do so. I'll say it again, it doesn't pay to be different. And when haters speak out like they do here, it speaks volumes. Again, I don't get that criticism anywhere else on any site. Anywhere. My efforts are welcomed, as is my enthusiasm. Here, well I guess I'm expected to be just like everyone else. Maybe I should just stack a pile of rocks in my tank and call it Neal's coral fruit stand. I'm sure if I did, the positive feed back would increase ten fold. But screw that, that would be boring and unoriginal. Neither of two things I hold in very high regard ;)
Thought I would post a pic of my new harlequin tusk all snug in his Lego set ;)

He has seemed to settle in quite a bit in a few short hours. Warms my soul really, lol.

<a href="http://s842.photobucket.com/user/thestomp1978/media/Mobile%20Uploads/7865A917-E097-40EE-B5D2-0EE420DE4D39_zpsjmj8fdr3.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i842.photobucket.com/albums/zz344/thestomp1978/Mobile%20Uploads/7865A917-E097-40EE-B5D2-0EE420DE4D39_zpsjmj8fdr3.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 7865A917-E097-40EE-B5D2-0EE420DE4D39_zpsjmj8fdr3.jpg"/></a>
You have some beautiful corals in there.
As long as you love what you're doing, that's what is important, right?
don't pay any mind to others..although I'm sure you already know that ;-)
I'm curious, have you ever posted on another's system stating that you do not like their setup? (Has anyone that you can think of?)... I mean, I've been a little outspoken before, myself, but that is a little much. I mean if you don't like it, join the flippen' club. But I mean seriously, who comes out and blantedly says that they don't care for someone else's hard work and passion? Compares it to a child play time efforts... Do you have any idea how much time, money, effort and thought I have got into this???

I am a part of this club, am I not?

Ok lets clear the air here....
#2 Yes I believe in constructive criticism and don't jump on the defensive when it given to me.
#2 At no point did I say I didn't like your set up. Just that it reminded me of the pillars that's my kids build with their Legos. Big deal.... Throw a fit if it makes you feel better....
#3 No need for me to join a " flippen club" be cause I never blatantly said I didn't care for your hard work.... I think is unique, keep it up.
#4 So everyone that uses live rock in their style are sheep? What kind of rude BS comment is that?
Neal, I like your tanks style. Not everyone has to have the same style/look. :beer:

I followed your previous setup and I am following this setup. Why? Because you are strong enough to apply a very different style. It is unique. I'm sure you take pride in your tank and what you are doing, so keep doing that. :)

I know some of my buddies if I showed them your tank pics would actually like it.

Thank you for sharing your tank. :beer:
Thank you Sahin. I really thinks it's cool that peeps from other countries have taken an interest in my efforts to stand alone. In a hobby where trends and fads tend to take over and become the normal.

I'm in love with what I do. And how I do it. It's really cool to be the only one of my kind in that sense. Like literally. The only one, amongst thousands and thousands of reefers around the world. I take immense pride in that. I offer something different to the hobby and clubs I'm in. Aaaaaaaaannd I have some really nice looking polyps to boot ;)

Although it's always a crap shoot with polyps. Lmao. Some do well, some don't. There are no definitive solutions or answers for them IMO ;)
This is certainly an interesting thread. I think most folks don't pay enough attention to semantics in this hobby. For instance I would say Neal ' s system is an interesting take on an aquascape. But to call it a reef, that's quite a stretch in the true sense of the word, on many fronts. From that perspective, I also have a hard time with some of the bonzai tanks or minimalist tanks being called reefs. They aren't either. Aquascapes yes, reef, No.

My approach has always been in the true sense of reef, from the shallows I would snorkel on in guam, to various places I have been diving in the caribbean, south atlantic, and Yucatan over the past 25 years. My tanks are always an attempt to mimic what I would see when diving. That includes the habitat being geared for the fish as much as the corals.

When I have dove on man made structures called artificial reefs, there was always an emphasis on the word to describe the site, and the same feeling when experiencing them.

Said another way, when I am on my boat, a reef is something to be reckoned with, not something to fancy.

I see lots of nice aquascape efforts here and appreciate them for what they are, but I think the label should match the husbandry, eg saltwater aquaria vs reefkeeping.

Just my 2 cents. Sorry to ruffle any feathers.