Unknow seed ID please


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It is spring and there are lots of these seed washed ashore in the back of my house. I have grwo them in my sump/refugium before and they did great. sorta grow like mangrove. Anybody can ID this seed? I got a great numbers of them at this time.


Well, obviously not mangrove. Definately dichotimous. You say it grows fine in salt water? Do you happen to have any pictures of the adult leaves?
It is obviously not mangrove. I don't have any picture of the plant. Mine died when the tank crashed. In a few months I will have picture of the plant.
what kind of growth rate have you had with these? from what i've read the red mangroves that are more commonly used in sumps grow too slowly to be used for nutrient export.
it would be nice to have a faster growing alternative :)
I agree, Black mangrove

These things float in the water here too, along with a million red mangrove propagules.

they'll grow quite nice in your sump or fuge, i am told.