Upgrade Time... 210 gallon Build

Your rockwork is excellent. How hard is the epoxy to use?

I actually used E-Marco 400 Mortar from MarcoRocks. The stuff is excellent! Mixes just like cement. It sets up nice and quick and is very easy to work with. Two Thumbs Up!
Hey Eddie

Nice set up. I just set up 2 1.5 inch herbie drains and there is a fair amount of adjustment to the gate valves if I change anything. That being said I have had them perfectly balanced for five days now, tanks only been running for a week. So it is possible to make it work but I would suggest putting the gate valves in the same room as the drains themselves otherwise you might be getting a lot of exercise running those stairs when adjusting. Just my 2 cents!
Stand looks great. I need to build one for my 210. Is that oak you are using for the panel and where will you buy the doors?
Nice build so far. I am slowly but surely getting my 210g up and running. I had a question or you about your skimmer choice, you said you chose Beckett style because of your decision to go zeovit. Could you explain that a little more please?
Hey Eddie

Nice set up. I just set up 2 1.5 inch herbie drains and there is a fair amount of adjustment to the gate valves if I change anything. That being said I have had them perfectly balanced for five days now, tanks only been running for a week. So it is possible to make it work but I would suggest putting the gate valves in the same room as the drains themselves otherwise you might be getting a lot of exercise running those stairs when adjusting. Just my 2 cents!

Thanks for the input. Is your Herbie draining to the basement or under the cabinet? From the posts I have read regarding Herbies and basement setups it is suggested to place them in the basement. I guess this helps establish the siphon much quicker with much less noise. I could place the valves right before the lines enter the floor, this would give the maximum drop and still have them in the same room. On the other hand, I could use the exercise!! LOL!!!
Stand looks great. I need to build one for my 210. Is that oak you are using for the panel and where will you buy the doors?

Yes, the frame is built from 2x4s and the front and side are ¾ Oak plywood. The stain color is MiniWax Cherry. I am ordering the door from rawDoorsDOTnet.
Nice build so far. I am slowly but surely getting my 210g up and running. I had a question or you about your skimmer choice, you said you chose Beckett style because of your decision to go zeovit. Could you explain that a little more please?

There is belief that needle wheel skimmers reduce the K (potassium) level in your water, thus needing more K supplementation to keep it at the correct level. I figured I would try to keep to all the ZeoVit recommendations. Is this true? Dunno, there are a bunch of successful ZeoVit tanks running needle wheel skimmers. I have heard good things about the PM Bullet skimmers in general, so I went that route. There are MANY paths to success in this hobby via many different techniques. In the end what are we trying to accomplish in this hobby? A stable environment that supplies the nutrients our animals need and exporting what is harmful or not needed.
Love the build doing a very nice job! I am starting my 150 gallon build in about a month. Doing the same thing as you putting the sump in the basement. When you get things up and running will you post pics of the sump area and all the plumbing. Thank you!
Love the build doing a very nice job! I am starting my 150 gallon build in about a month. Doing the same thing as you putting the sump in the basement. When you get things up and running will you post pics of the sump area and all the plumbing. Thank you!

I definitely will post the plumbing pictures. Having a basement fish room is the way to go. So much easier for water changes!! When I started my 90 it was just an in-cabinet sump, but after lugging the water upstairs for water changes I quickly plumbed it to the basement. Not to mention the layout is much easier when you have room vs trying to get everything to fit inside the stand.
Great build so far, I can't wait until I'm able to set my 210 up. I never knew they had those overflow covers, I've always looked to see if they had but never found them. I hope you don't mind me stealing a couple ideas when I get mine up and running.
It's go time now... Started off by picking up another RubberMaid 100 gallon tank and filled it with 80 gallons of fresh saltwater. I then transferred my rock which has been cycling since March. I also added a couple pieces of live rock which I have had in an observation tank for a couple of months. This will introduce some other bacteria to the game. This water will be used in the system as well.


I have started soaking my sand in RO/DI water. I am changing 100 percent of the water each day to reduce the PO4 to 0. Right now it is still at .15


After test fitting my returns to the tank my wife said " You are not leaving those white are you?". So I painted the return outlets black so they blend in with the back of the tank. I used Krylon Fusion.


Putting together the pre-sump, skimmer and sump section.


I can realistically have water in the system by this Sunday, though it may be next week before I get it all fired up. The plan is to setup a temporary light rig to start the ZeoVit cycle. This will last 14 days or so. In that time I plan to have my canopy finished. But we all know the best laid plans of mice and men......
Nice build. Wish I still lived in Strongsville. It would be great to see this when set up.

I need to build a stand for my new 210. What hardwood and skin did you use for yours? Oak?
Nice build. Wish I still lived in Strongsville. It would be great to see this when set up.

I need to build a stand for my new 210. What hardwood and skin did you use for yours? Oak?

Yes, I used 3/4 Oak Plywood for the skin and 1x Oak boards for the trim.