I finally bought a USB to serial adapter to get the Profilux connected to my new serial port-less laptop.
I cannot get it to connect to the profilux. I can get a connection directly connectiing the serial cable to my old computer. Not sure if there is a setting I am missing? All drivers are installed, and Device Manager says its working correctly.
Also, If I am running Metal Halides, do I set the socket up as Timer or Illumination?
Also controlling CO2 Solenoid on CA reactor. Should this be set to Increase or Decrease pH? I'm thinking decrease to keep the reactor at a low pH, but I need to hash this out.
Lots to learn here!:eek2:
Thanks all,
I cannot get it to connect to the profilux. I can get a connection directly connectiing the serial cable to my old computer. Not sure if there is a setting I am missing? All drivers are installed, and Device Manager says its working correctly.
Also, If I am running Metal Halides, do I set the socket up as Timer or Illumination?
Also controlling CO2 Solenoid on CA reactor. Should this be set to Increase or Decrease pH? I'm thinking decrease to keep the reactor at a low pH, but I need to hash this out.
Lots to learn here!:eek2:
Thanks all,