I wrote a test program in Arduino to generate / simulate the motor drive signal.
The low side driver is running 70% pwm at 15.625khz on Arduino signal. On stock controller, it is about 15.28khz.
I just found out the commutation sequence for forward direction is counter clockwise.
I am generating a tach signal on one of the Arduino pins. For every commutation cycle, I will toggle that pin. I think it takes 2 commutation cycles to make one revolution, so that makes it one pulse per revolution. From the timing measurements, it looks like the pump is spinning at about 2350 RPM at 70% duty cycle (lowest setting on controller).
this is the Arduino signal I captured on logic analyzer
compare to stock controller signal
I need to go back to the parts store to get some more resistors, then I can test running the Arduino signals connected to the FETs. Once I see the FETs signal looks right, then I will hook up the pump. I need to create a startup sequence routine first.
Currently, the drive signal is advanced on fixed time. The tricky part is to switch that over to use the BEMF signal to advance the commutation sequence.