UV sterilizer pros and cons???

Hmm...UVs are like a pain pill you take. It takes care of the pain and does so much more!!!

From what I know of, they do an OK job at killing free floating bacteria/viruses in the water. However, during nighttime when your lights are off there are beneficial organisms that come out and guess what? Those end up in the UV as well, become sterile, and can't reproduce. Thus killing them off.

I guess it'd be to your advantage to turn the UV off during night hours. For the most part, UVs help keep your water looking crystal clear. I had one and it helped out my water a lot! Then again my skimmer was a piece of junk. Now I've got an awesome skimmer and don't have to mess with UVs anymore.
UV's are great at breaking down long molecules by ionization making them easier to skim out and at giving your water an awesome clarity.
The only two cons I have ever found are the cost of a properly sized UV unit, and they do add a little heat to the water.


I like uvs for water clarity and a degree of control on some pathenogens. They are not however a cure all for parasites or bacteria and should not be a substitute for quarantine and/or effective treatments.
The sterlizer's effectiveness relates to the amount of radiation delivered relative to the organisms size. The amount of radiation is determined by the wattage of the bulb and the amount of time the oranism is exposed(dwell time).
Sterilizers only affect what flows through them so they would have no direct effect on hair algae growing on surfaces in your aquarium . Waterborn bacteria is smallest, green water(single celled waterborne algae which tends to cling to your glass) is next and parasites are relatively large and beyond the effective range of a uv unless it is significantly oversized.
No one shoot me for saying this, it is my opinion. Personally I think if a tank is maintaned properly, UV is not necessary. UV will remove the bad, but also alot of good.

**edit** To add one point that was mentioned. My opinion also factors in that a good skimmer is being used.
Of COURSE UV's are NOT necessary.
Neither is Ozone, Zeovit, Refugiums, Skimmers, etc.
It all depends on what kind of tank you keep, your husbandry practices, and which equipment you want to use to help you achieve your goals or to make life easier. :)
The point to walk away with is that they CAN work, but in most cases the units are severely undersized to do much good at all. Think of it like putting your 75G skimmer on the zoos 10,000 Gallon tank. Pointless, even if it IS skimming.

If you want to use a UV, then you need to size it properly. Call one of the PRO manufacturers and ignore the ratings on the hobby equipment.

Secondly, you MUST clean the quartz shield on a VERY REGULAR basis and replace the bulb on a regular basis. In other words, they are high maintenance items, if you don't do the maintenance then you are wasting your time plugging them in.

There have been several good articles on the subject.
I agree they can work depending on size maintenance and what you expect them to do.
I use them for water clarity and on a hope that they will reduce pathenogenic density and virulence.
Many believe that in a recirculating system like an aquarium that any pathenogens killed in uv will be compensated for by increased production by the unaffected pathenogens untill they make up for the lost population.If this is actually so the uv's effectiveness on disease regardless of size will be negligible.
Even if the uv does have an effect on the density and /or strength of pathenogens it will only effect what passes through it and not what is on or in the fish or substrate.
So while it works well for water clarity and will controll waterborn single celled algae it should not be relied upon for disease control in lieu of good quarantine and treatment protocols.
Or put in other terms, there are lot of other places to spend your money. If you have extra cash and don't need anything else, then buy a big ol' UV.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12525797#post12525797 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BeanAnimal
Or put in other terms, there are lot of other places to spend your money. If you have extra cash and don't need anything else, then buy a big ol' UV.
:) Uvs are limited in their applications but are useful IMO.