Vectra L1 under performing?


New member
Vectra L1 is being split between 2 returns. I have a flow meter before the split which reads at most 750 mph - at full tilt. I calibrated the pump per ecotech instructions.

Head height is just less than 6 feet. (According to the chart - output should be about 2000 gph without restriction).

I realize I'm going to lose some flow due to the pipes/bends etc, but this seems excessive. The 1 inch returns decrease just before output to 3/4 inch for loc line.

Anybody else with a similar experience? Just disappointed because the display is 360 gallons and the most I can get is about 2x turnover unless I'm doing something wrong.
Every 90, every Union, etc is a ft of head. There's no way you only have 6 ft

6 vertical feet.

3 true Union ball valves.
2 unions.
10 - 45 angled fittings
3 bulkheads
90 degree splitter
Flow meter
2 90s before output

Seems like a lot when I catalog it. Maybe it makes sense.