vermatid snail invasion

Anyone ever had these little guys over run your tank? I have probably 1000s . Ever big rock I flip is covered in whiskers from these guys. My system was moved into a big Rubbermaid horse water tub , waiting for new tank to arrive. That is when they took over. So far I have been using a small butane torch to burn them, and putting some rocks outside to dry out.

Any other ideas out there??? Crabs, fish,, Anyting

My current setup has 150lbs maybe of live rock, that is all now covered in these things.

I've never seen him actually eat one, but I had a lot and they started disappearing when I got a malanurus wrasse. Haven't seen any in a long time. Haven't seen any members of my clean up crew either, so you do have that problem.
Mine are all over my 90 display because I feed newly-hatch baby brine shrimp 2-3 times a day (to feed baby Banggai cardinals in the rockwork.) Nothing to do about them, and they are harmless. For the past 20 years I've had permanently scratched up hands from these nasty buggers in customer's tanks. I learned to live with them.
ya I think I need to live with them. My system is a total wreck from a home remodel, everything moved into sump in basement with lights, coral decline, these things all over. I just need to get stable again. I just flipped the switch flowing into new tank. Hopefully moving stuff back in this weekend.

The little butane torch though does work good and can fry an aptasia or 2 while snail cooking