Very Strange Hitchhiker - Need Help


New member
I got 125 lbs of Florida LR from a store in Tampa (hint hint). It's amazing rock and I was all ready for a few unwanted hitchhikers like Mantis Shrimp and Gorilla Crabs but they would be well worth the rock I chose. I never anticipated what I have received.

I'm not sure if it's the coolest thing or not but I know I have to catch it and it's got to go. It's an Octopus. It's about 2 - 3 inches long and can fit in the tiniest of holes. Any idea's from anyone at all on how to catch it? I'm sure my LFS would love to have it but I can't / don't want it in my reef tank. When I saw it it already had about 5 small crabs and snail shells around it. This thing will take everything on my LR out to dinner.


BTW - I researched on line and it looks more like a Caribean Pygmy Octo rather than a juvenille Common Florida Octo. It was Reddish Brown.
A thought-

If it ducks into a live rock, pull the live rock out, put it in another bucket and bring to a LFS, or squirt with carbonated water and flush him out.
Damn i only wish i got one of those from TBS i got mad mantis and even bought a few extra so i have like 5 clubbers chillin in my tank but octopus are so cool bro you shouldnt get rid of him.. i live in clearwater and would love to take him off your hands if you would like.
There have been quite a few reports of octos in live rock from TBS.
The species is probably O.mercatoris. Its a pygmy octopus that is kind of brown/redish with white specks on its body. They are very cute little octos and stay very small and are mostly nocturnal.
To get it out of the tank just remove the rock from the water, hold the rock over a bowl of tank water and it will soon looking to get back into the water. You can also set the rock in about 1/2" of water and wait till it comes out and crawls into the shallow water. Its a great ceph for a small tank.
O.mercatoris is what I think I have in my 12 gallon nanocube although it may be joubini. Either way it's a great little creature. I would definitley find a smallish tank to put it in. They don't live very long but you'll really enjoy it's behaviour. I wouldn't use the carbonated water method with these guys as they are VERY delicate. Good luck.
make an octo trap out of pvc pipe

close off both ends then drill a hole in one end for him to barely fit in hell think its a new home and go on in then just pull him up
i had one of those tiny octos from tbs reddish in color and very small, i set up a 5.5 gallon for him and had him for a few months and fed him crabs, but i never saw him!!
Try a pop bottle. Just put something down in it to keep it on the bottom. When he is in it, pull it up. Like PVC thing. The only draw back I see with that is you have to watch for him to go in. The bottle you will be able to see him in it. Good luck.