Very thin threads produced by squamosa?


Active member
Almost every day my squamosa clam has a very thin brown thread several inches long, eventually it breaks off. I am not positive it is producing this thread, but appears to. It is so thin it doesn't show up in my digital camera shots. It opens it's mantle nicely and looks like it is loving life, just wondered if this is normal? Anyone else see these threads? It does not look like hair algae, I had plenty of that several months ago.
Are these threads extruded from the exhalent (or possibly even the inhalent) syphon? If so, I think it may be zooxanthellae. It is not necessarily a problem as it may simply be an adjustment of zoox densities to acclimate to changing light conditions.
too funny. I was worrying something was wrong! Now that you say that, I think that is what it is. :p
Oh man. When the thread breaks off and floats around the tank, my green chromis sometimes EAT it. Gross. I wondered why I never see those threads the next day.