Vinny, this is my Profilux Screen


Premium Member
It's been almost 2 weeks since I last asked if you talked to Mathias again about my screen problem.
I took it to my LFS this weekend to compare to his and there is definitely something wrong. Mine is the one on top.
So I still want to know if this can be fixed by sending it in.
It shouldn't be this hard to get an answer to a simple question.


So basically everyone who has this issue needs to be without the unit for how long????

I'll let you know. Shipping it out today.
Customs will be the real holdup (possibly) but when fedex asked for the value, I wasn't going to devalue a $600 computer incase it gets lost or damaged in transit.
Can these not be fitted by the owners, surely it can't be that hard to do

P2, p3, dosers, mitras all have this problem.
screens have always been owner fit, (were in my day) its not rocket science why would this need shipping to Germany?

If a screen goes within warranty then its a warranty issues, no argument.

To provide fast turn around the screen should be sent to client directly, of course self fit carries caveat if you break it no warranty, so always consider sending to North American service Center.
The screen is not user replaceable on the Profilux 3 which is why it should be sent in for replacement.

The Profilux 3.1, Gen 1 Dosers, and Mitras displays on the other hand, are user replaceable.
Ive done it for clients, yes the new ones are part of the main board so the client needs the main board with it, if really required by GHL in Germany, the client can pay for the board and then once returned to GHL USA then give client refund.

Absolute worst case client send G3 to GHL USA to be done.

Absolute no reason to send back to Germany it will kill the brand off overnight! Just sayin!
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Ive done it for clients, yes the new ones are part of the main board so the client needs the main board with it, if really required by GHL in Germany, the client can pay for the board and then once returned to GHL USA then give client refund.

Absolute worst case client send G3 to GHL USA to be done.

Absolute no reason to send back to Germany it will kill the brand off overnight! Just sayin!

I agree.
Glad this came up, didn't realize so many GHL products had screen issues. To think I almost bought one, and when it messes up it goes to Germany!! No thanks!

I don't see how the information I provided is being misunderstood. As I mentioned before, only the original P3 (NOT P3.1) needed to be sent into Germany to get the screen replaced.

All the other displays such as the ones on the Profilux 3.1, Mitras LX, and Gen 1 Doser can be replaced by the user simply by ordering the replacement screen. If a problem ever arises where the screen is no longer readable on these units, support is only an email away. If the issue happens within the warranty window, the replacement screen will be shipped to the owner free of charge, no issues there.

If the owner wants to send us the product to have us do the repair, we will do that from our USA warehouse.

If the warranty is expired, then the part would have to be purchased.

I do not understand where the thought that every GHL displays that becomes unreadable needs to be sent to Germany. That is simply not true, with the exception of the original Profilux 3; this is information coming directly from Matthias.

To say that so many GHL products have had screen issues based on what was mentioned in this thread is not a fair comparison, especially considering how many have sold through the years.

So, if one is having issues with their displays, we ask that you send us an email so we can help you out in that matter.
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only the original P3 (NOT P3.1) needed to be sent into Germany to get the screen replaced.

Vinny this is not correct and what is upsetting people. We used to change boards all the time, I can only assume GHL since going direct has changed this policy?

We need to talk about this offline ;)
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