Vinyl Tubing Vs. PVC Pipe?


Active member
So I'm noodling out design for my build, with plumbing through wall from sump in one room to pumps under DT, counting up all the fittings and elbows I would need to order. Then it dawns on me, given that I was planning to connect into/out of the pumps with vinyl hose and barbs anyway, that I could just run vinyl tubing the whole way.

QUESTION: Why not? It's been a while since I had a large setup running with any tubing, and never longer than from pump (right outside of sump) up to barbs on bottom of tank for return, but I never had any tubing go bad on me. Yes, they got a little more rigid over time, but when I needed to break down the system I just sliced off the hose from the barbs. Will vinyl tubing leach over time into the water (any more than PVC -- polyVINYL chloride -- will)? (Note that valves to isolate the pumps for removal/maintenance can still be added into the lines with hose barbs.)

You can do it but the issue is sometimes it can pinch in on itself or kink. That's why a lot of people play it safe and use PVC.

Also the clear tubing allows for algae growth.

You can use the flexible PVC they use for hot tubs.
So.. In general use of vinyl tubing cause some restriction at the barb connections due to narrowing of the fitting to fit inside the tube.. Beyond that though if you use vinyl tubing that has the same ID as the PVC you intended to use then the lack of elbows,etc... would actually favor vinyl (or spaflex)..
Now if your vinyl tubing is smaller in ID than the PVC you planned to use then you have a greater restriction/friction losses and it may hurt you..

As far as something "leaching".. There is no need to be concerned there at all..
Also the clear tubing allows for algae growth.

Is this because the clear tubing allows light in (in which case wrapping with tape or, say, HVAC line insulation, would prevent) or because the nature of the material fosters growth?
So.. In general use of vinyl tubing cause some restriction at the barb connections due to narrowing of the fitting to fit inside the tube.. Beyond that though if you use vinyl tubing that has the same ID as the PVC you intended to use then the lack of elbows,etc... would actually favor vinyl (or spaflex)..
Now if your vinyl tubing is smaller in ID than the PVC you planned to use then you have a greater restriction/friction losses and it may hurt you..


This may decide it for me. If I wanted to use larger diameter tubing, I would still need adapters to "expand out" for larger hose barbs than those that will work with the valves and bulkheads already planned for. So might as well go PVC all the way....