So I'm noodling out design for my build, with plumbing through wall from sump in one room to pumps under DT, counting up all the fittings and elbows I would need to order. Then it dawns on me, given that I was planning to connect into/out of the pumps with vinyl hose and barbs anyway, that I could just run vinyl tubing the whole way.
QUESTION: Why not? It's been a while since I had a large setup running with any tubing, and never longer than from pump (right outside of sump) up to barbs on bottom of tank for return, but I never had any tubing go bad on me. Yes, they got a little more rigid over time, but when I needed to break down the system I just sliced off the hose from the barbs. Will vinyl tubing leach over time into the water (any more than PVC -- polyVINYL chloride -- will)? (Note that valves to isolate the pumps for removal/maintenance can still be added into the lines with hose barbs.)
QUESTION: Why not? It's been a while since I had a large setup running with any tubing, and never longer than from pump (right outside of sump) up to barbs on bottom of tank for return, but I never had any tubing go bad on me. Yes, they got a little more rigid over time, but when I needed to break down the system I just sliced off the hose from the barbs. Will vinyl tubing leach over time into the water (any more than PVC -- polyVINYL chloride -- will)? (Note that valves to isolate the pumps for removal/maintenance can still be added into the lines with hose barbs.)