Good information Hef.
I am no longer dosing vodka as of today. I don't know if it was because of the vodka, or the increaced water clarity after dosing, or after getting my live rock back in and cooking my LR, but I am having some bleaching problems. Accually I think I should have acted faster, but I was slowly lowering my photo period to counter act this, and I should have gone faster with it. Some of my corals are showing a small amount of STN from the bottom, and I was getting poor PE when the hilide was on, so I cut the hilide off compleatilly, I will ramp it up 15 min per week, the first week will be no MH.
I am now lighting the tank with 2 55 W PC's and one 40W 10K NO (50 gallon 4 foot tank). I am hopeing to brown the corals out a little doing this, I will continue to feed with cyclop-ese, and cromo max, phyto max, and zoo max, as normal.
Does any one here see any problems with my plan??? Do you suggest anything else?