vodka dosing

So, I ordered a Hanna phosphate checker to get a second test for phosphates. My red sea comes up undetectable, but the Hanna showed .16. Is this enough phosphates to have cyano grow on the sand bed? And because of these phosphates would vodka or vinegar dosing be beneficial? I'm not sure where the phosphates are coming from. Inline TDS meter is reading 0. I do 5-10 gallon water changes weekly in my 65g

Did you buy the high or low range Hanna checker? If it's the low range, you have to multiply the test result by 3.066 then divide by 1000 to calculate po4

depending on what you are keeping, I would say .16 is on the high side. Most shoot for a .02-.03 po4 range

I would retest your Rodi with a handheld TDS meter just to make sure. Also, have you tested a freshly mixed batch of your saltwater when doing a water change?
I bought the low range. My hand held meter is way out of cal and I can't get it very close, even using solution. It's too all over the place. What would I want a mixed batch to read? And if I do the math it comes out to .00049
I bought the low range. My hand held meter is way out of cal and I can't get it very close, even using solution. It's too all over the place. What would I want a mixed batch to read? And if I do the math it comes out to .00049

When I did the math I got roughly .05, (16x3.066)/1000=.049056. Freshly mixed saltwater should be lower than what your tank is testing (after 24 hrs of mixing).

.05 isn't that bad given that there is a .03 margin of error on the Hanna. However, .05 could be a false reading if algae and cyano are consuming the po4. As mentioned, there are multiple ways to skin this cat. I personally use a combo of vodka and vinegar, which has worked well for me.

I have dosed vodka for over 5 years. First in a 90 and now my 210. Although I agree with Matt skimmer and good husbandry will go a long way I use vodka to keep it in check with a heavy bio load (aka loads of fish) One thing I started since my tank crash (3months ago)was to use both vinager and vodka. I was going to cut over to vinager alone but noticed some really good pe with both and much less replacement of vinager bottle.


I don't know how I missed this one Z. Thank you for your feedback. I like the idea of combining these to gain some additional benefits. I will try this in the future to see where it goes.
Also forgot to mention doing both reduces chance of cyno.

Written by Cliff Babcock and Dr. Randy Holmes Farley
"Reduce Cyanobacterial Growth

Scientific research has found that cyanobacterial growth does not increase when dosing vinegar (acetate), where it was found that ethanol dosing will increase cyanobacterial growth. Cyanobacteria produce PHA to store energy when needed. PHA is an ingredient in some biopellets. So cyanobacteria can utilize some if not all of the biopellets. Hobbyists who have dosed vinegar have reported less cyanobacterial problems compared to dosing biopellets & ethanol. This was my experience as well."
When I did the math I got roughly .05, (16x3.066)/1000=.049056. Freshly mixed saltwater should be lower than what your tank is testing (after 24 hrs of mixing).

.05 isn't that bad given that there is a .03 margin of error on the Hanna. However, .05 could be a false reading if algae and cyano are consuming the po4. As mentioned, there are multiple ways to skin this cat. I personally use a combo of vodka and vinegar, which has worked well for me.

I don't see anywhere in the instructions where it calls out to do math to find out your PPM. It just says reading is displayed in PPM. I did take a measurement on my RO/DI storage and it came out at .05. The test says it's accurate to +/-.04