Wait the new dower 2 slave?


New member

I need 8 profilux slave dosing pump.
Wifi is useless, i will use PAB cable.
I did not need the lighting GHL logo...
Level & temp ports? We don't know if the slave version have it.
Current doser version cost less for just use dosing pump with Profilux.
With the old model we can use ProfiLux Mount 1 PL-0739
According to you why I should wait for the new model?

Thank for your advices guys :-)
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The main question should be

"do I want to dose less than 1ml?"

if the answer is yes then go for the new slave when it comes, if the answer is no then go for the old slave now.
That's right :-)

A question, why no ProfiLux Mount.

But i'm not enthusiastic with this new design who seem look like weak low budget hardware (with high price), not like industrial rugged hardware

what an odd reply? no idea where on earth you are getting "weak budget hardware from"

All german parts from the global renowned maker of dosers, is not exactly what you would call "weak budget hardware" Not to mention raved about on nearly every popular blog out there.

The unit is not even released yet, very strange assumption indeed!

who said there was no profilux mount? The unit has to be finished before you can make a mount for it. There are mounts for the doser 1 so why not the doser 2?

Really confused on the points you are trying to make here to be honest, none are relevant.
Sorry, bad translation, what i want to say is that for me, aspect of the new model "look like" cheap public products whereas old model look like professional products.

Old product

STUNNING New product


You are the first ever to tell us you prefer the look of the old unit, let alone cheap!

For example, the old product can be mounted with PL-0739, can be stacked with another dosing pump and with Profilux (same dimensions). Used with a Profilux i prefer these things that than useless wifi or GHL blink light logo :-)
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Yes and how do you know the new one can not? Nobody has said it can not, not me not GHL nobody the unit is not even fully developed yet.

Just because the slave doser has not even been launched yet, how can you assume it wont have the same option?

I can assure you it will, its logical it will.

The slave would not be wifi, as the Profilux already is web enabled, you are trying to compare features or guess as to what features maybe available then knocking the product when NOBODY knows what it will have.

My advise is to wait until it has been designed before criticizing. Its like calling a baby ugly before its been conceived!
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Just to clarify to anyone following this, we are talking about the SLAVE GHL Doser that connects to the ProfiLux NOT the new doser 2.

The slave doser has not even been designed yet!!!! so any talk about what it will have, if its ugly or anything else is nothing more than guess work.

We have no clue to anything in regards to the slave yet other than it will have stepper motors and the same box
Yes and announced there was a delay.

In regards to box, its the same box as the doser 2 yes! Not ugly not cheap not inferior or whatever you are trying to guess.

No its not the same size as the ProfiLux box. products move on nothing stays uniform forever.

Please I respectfully ask not to negatively guess about a product not released its not creating any extra information. All I can say if you "personally" do not like a product that has not even come off the production line yet let alone finished development, - BUY the doser 1 slave.
Will the doser 2 slave be released at the same time as the doser 2? If not what is the time frame for it's release? I am not looking for a specific date, just a rough period; a week, a month, or whatever? I am in the same boat as the OP in that I need more pumps. Sooner rather than later. Thanks.
That is very disappointing. I know it is not your responsibily, but it seems to me that GHL has decided that Profilux Controller owners are second class customers and that GHL puts the emphasis on new, rather than existing customers.

I am neither an engineer nor a developer by any means. However, I would think that a stripped down slave version would be easier to put to market than a bells and whistle model. All I want is a doser with the stepper motors that I can PAB to my existing doser. Seems if I want one soon, then I get the "old" model or the new one with stuff I dont need or want. Discouraging information for those who want an integrated solution to our existing system. Wait or pay extra for features not needed.
That is very disappointing. I know it is not your responsibily, but it seems to me that GHL has decided that Profilux Controller owners are second class customers and that GHL puts the emphasis on new, rather than existing customers.

I am neither an engineer nor a developer by any means. However, I would think that a stripped down slave version would be easier to put to market than a bells and whistle model. All I want is a doser with the stepper motors that I can PAB to my existing doser. Seems if I want one soon, then I get the "old" model or the new one with stuff I dont need or want. Discouraging information for those who want an integrated solution to our existing system. Wait or pay extra for features not needed.

Its common sense and knowledge that "ANY" manufacturer will develop the most integrated version first, his is basic development concept, secondly the demand for the full blown version out strips the slave version by more than 100:1 (true fact)

So based on development and demand YES the full blown version will always come first. And no company can always please everyone.

Guys I urge you NOW do not turn this into an argumentative thread, the points are, its not released yet, its not finished development ( a lot to do with other changes coming) and we do not have a firm release date yet.

There is no point creating a heated thread over nothing that will change by being written here. You should all know what im like, no short change given here in replies ;)

The slave will come as soon as it can.