Walking away from this hobby

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New member
As I've mentioned to a select few, I have been thinking about it for a long time and have mentioned to this Mucho and a select few others. I decided on pretty much leaving the hobby.

-Too busy at work
- Doing other things in life
- Getting into other hobbies.
- Spend more time on other things in life.

Don’t have the passion or the drive for it anymore ,no longer committed to this hobby like I was years ago. Took down the other tanks and have 1 left that's in the process of being shut down in the near future.

It's been talked about here a bunch and other forums, but one of the decision makers for me was my personal differences on opinions that I have on how this hobby is becoming, Reefing vs. Commercialism which has also contributed in driving prices up the roof and created a overflow of hyping, naming, price gouging etc.

No shots taken at anyone it’s just a general observation over the years in seeing it in various forums.

I've taken some tidbits from some of my emails I've sent out to create this.
( To lazy and busy to think and re-type )

Just saying my peace to all that I've known here and also helped out in the years.

I might still pop up once in a while but it won't be my point of emphasis anymore. ( I didn't want to be all melodramatic or anything, just wanted to post this instead of having to PM/Email a bunch of folks , shoot down a flock of birds with 1 stone LOL)

Charles- :beer: good reefing.
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I rarely post in this forum anymore......but heres one worth posting to.

Sorry to see you go Charles. :(

good luck wherever you go :)

ps- When you cant take it anymore and want/need to get back in, look me up. I will hook you up with some pimple ho-nutz to get your rare collection started again at a reasonable $300 PP. :D
Well you already know how I feel bro. It's sad to see you and so many others leave as a casualty of, " Reefing vs. Commercialism which has also contributed in driving prices up the roof and created a overflow of hyping, naming, price gouging etc", as you have mentioned. I've counted several dozen senior/experienced reefers who have left and many for the same reasons. Thanks for all the good times and great discussions we had here. Take care bro.

flyyyguy, I know how you feel, I seldom post myself anymore. I counted you as one who has left or seldom if ever post here anymore.

Good luck to both of you and thanks for everything. Man we had some great times and very long and in depth discussions back in the day. Some times we agreed, and some times we didn't, but we were all civil, respectful and had a lot of fun sharing and learning from each other.

Mucho Reef

PS. For those of you who don't know, both of these reefers were very helpful with valuable knowledge in this forum as well as providing instant answers in the ID sub-forum.
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Take it easy, Charles... Never met you or specifically chatted with you, but found plenty of help in many of your posts. Thank you.
Mooch and Bill, Along with Capture and the rest of the OG's here in the Z's and P's forum I have fully respected what you guys have said and posted here throughout the years. I do feel that you have thoroughly helped out this hobby for the better and I have also learned a great deal from you folks.

I hope this commercialism doesn't get worse than what it is now, pretty soon don't be surprised if you start seeing $1000 per polyp zoanthid/palys out there that super rare. Hopefully people start waking up and realize that only a couple years ago no one really cared much for Z's and P's and that they could be had for $30-$40 per hand sized colony...

I know I won't be getting all my $$$$$$$$ back from selling my equipment and livestock but hopefully I can get back as much as I can :lol:

Thanks for the kind words FSN77
Sorry to see you go Charles, as a new person to this forum I have great respect for you. You answered everyone's questions and were respectful about it. Enjoy your new endeavors and when the bug bites you and you come back, we will be here for you.

BTW, how much do you want for the hornet in your sig?
Bummer man.. but feel ya, the chores of reefing... if you ever feel like getting back in, I got some free frags for a G.. thanks for all your help and dedication you have showed since I started Reefing.. Peace Man..
Yea Yea Yea... "sure your walking away" zoa yoda ;)... wait untill winter comes and your stuck inside .. its in your blood bro... Any event good luck where ever the wind takes you, as well as thx for all the 411 and names.. Dont be a stranger.. AND if i ever get out your way first round is on me :beer:

Take care brother.

Sorry to see you go but I think I understand.

I've only been here 7 months in the hobby, but in just the time I've been here I'm seeing a darker side of the hobby that has none of the feel of the like minded people that welcomed me into the hobby with a free frag...

It's obvious we will be losing a valuable reefer upon your exit. Best wishes...:thumbsup:
I will miss your keen eye for identification and all of your useful links. It's easy to post opinions, but you went the extra mile with actual references.
This is a sad day indeed. Sorry to see you are leaving the hobby Charles. Although I have not posted much here or conversed with you I do understand your Ideologies in what you are thinking and saying about things. I do read this forum every day and I know from reading most of your posts this forum and the hobby in general is taking a huge hit and is loosing a very good person and a good resource of knowledge. You will surely be missed. Hope all goes well in your future hobbies and endeavors.
Take care and thanks for all the help you've given to this forum.

Now go get a 10g nano and just breed sea horses untill you change your mind.
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