thanks Grouper and too all.
Buy if you want like some has said, don't if you don't want to, the cycle will continue like a broken record.
As for the LFS and Online Etailers i've supported them a lot of them... trust me. I still respect a lot of them and consider them good folks/friends but after some point you have to open your eyes.... not just to the beautiful polyps but what also entails in this hobby. ( pricing, collection, ethics, hobby trends etc etc ) at times the truth does hurt.
That's all I'm going to say... MODs close this please.
In the end I hope I left my mark in regards to polyp keeping, this hobby and what it also entails. I'm walking away as I have multiple hobbies and I'm just ridding myself of one that doesn't intrest me as much as it has and don't want to bother and see all the bad stuff in this hobby as well that was previously mentioned. It gets tiring.