Want to put a wavemaker in my 175 but have a few questions


Registered Member
First its a bowfront. Will the odd shape affect the waves on top of the water so there is more of an overflow chance?

I have a strong stream from my return sump right now, so am considering either a pair of small streams for the back or a wavebox on the side suggestions?

Thanks in advance
Also, this is a non drilled tank with an overflow box

Will the waves create too much air seeping into the box that the suction line cant keep up?
I have not tried it on a bowfront and have not heard from anyone who has tried it on a bowfront so this is uncharted territory. I know bowfronts (at least they used to) had a higher incident of seam failure, the wavebox, like any surge device stresses the seams and even the best tank will have some shortening of it's life as a result. My advice would be 2 Streams. Which ones will depend on inhabitants.
Well, i have about 50/50 sps and softies along with fish craps shrimp etc

So I went ahead and took the plunge and got 2 6100's with a wavecontroller and nightlight. Guess thats good enough flow now huh?
That should work but be sure to start with a lower power and work your flow up so the corals acclimate.
Thanks Roger. Last question I promise (haha)

Where should I place them in tha tank? With the bowfront I am thinking back corners halfway down and setting them into the rock both aimed at the opposite corners so the flows interact mid tank and swirl around. or should they be front corner aimed back at the rock meeting mid tank.

Or does it matter (the more I read about these the more amazed I think I will be if what say they do actually do it)
You want them near the top, about 6" from the surface. You could try your idea, you will probably be alternating the pumps so only one runs at a time, front center might be a better place to aim them but again you will probably just want to run one at a time.
wow your fast responding. I forgot to ask when I ordered if they come with brackets to secure them or should I have ordered them along side with them?

so back corner pointed at front of tank, use the multi controller to push one then the other, soft to start and work up to more powerful (got it) which is good news because I wanted to redo my rocks this weekend and I dont have to worry about setting places for them if they will be up top anyway
You should be able to install them with the included hardware but some people prefer the magnet holders because they are easier to use.